Discussion for article #235800
Loofah Man says what?
It’s definitely a problem with personal behavior.
The personal behavior of killer cops.
The personal behavior of those demanding their historic privileges be preserved.
The personal behavior of the wealthy who seek nothing but more wealth at the expense of the working poor.
The personal behavior of Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and the Fox News pundit class who divide the country by manipulating poor working whites through fear and envy of those even less fortunate.
Personal behavior is at fault- the personal behavior of those people who have routinely decided that rather than helping people up, they want to smack them down.
I just appreciate the way that he comes out and says this same thing after every sports victory-related riot in a white community. White people need better parenting and to police themselves…
Says the man who was sued for sexual harassment and lies on a continual basis on his show. Maybe O’Reilly should take some personal responsibility for saying stupid stuff he has no idea about.
Sad and almost laughable that anybody would care what gasbag bully, proven serial liar, and world class finger wagging loudmouth assh*le O’Lielly says.
How long before he tells his low/no info rube and hick audience that he was there, on the mean streets of Baltimore, covering the protests and riots and pulling wounded policemen to safety? 3…2…1
And…FOXbots will buy another “My Pillow” and the latest As-Seen-On-TV ‘Ronco’ miracle product just to show their solidarity with their Dear Leader BillO’!
Just phoning it in. Sometimes he is the conveyor for semi-new things the wingnut Minitrue has decided that frightened old white men need to think, and sometimes he just gathers up a handful of the standard memes and spews them out. This is the latter.
Billo the bloviating expert.
Always blaming, never solving.
Well, you must admit, Billo has a point: if these young black men had stayed home and fucked their girlfriends with a loofah while eating a falafel, then they wouldn’t be out rioting. It’s called PERSONAL RESPONSIBITY, people!
And if I was a protester in Baltimore, and a FoxNews " reporter interviewed me, the first thing I would say is, “Fuck it! Let’s do it live!”
And now, adding yet another layer to his inventory of expertise, O’Reilly is a sociologist…
Now, is this a War Zone? There ARE pictures.
If anyone knows about the problems of personal behavior (and the unwillingness to take responsibility for it), it would be Bill O’Reilly. I cannot understand how anyone can listen to this guy without thinking LIAR.
The racist’s will never change. You just have to work around them, ignore them. They don’t even deserve to be part of national discourse on this.
I’m so sick of this mental laziness that turns everything into a black and white issue. Everything can only have one cause, and one solution. You’re either the good guy who can do no wrong, or the evil guy who can do no good.
Somehow O’Reilly is arguing that if there is bad personal behavior in Baltimore, which there obviously is, then there can’t be an issue with racial discrimination. Furthermore I’m sure the argument goes that if you believe there discrimination in Baltimore then you’re obviously condoning and encouraging looting and rioting. sigh WTF? Obviously you can believe in and abhor both.
There’s some fucking simple minded people on this planet, and boy have they learned how to manipulate them.
I’m concerned about the personal behavior of the Baltimore police officer who ordered the school buses be turned around empty and mass transit stopped so that the kids leaving school Monday afternoon couldn’t get home and were lift milling around in front of the mall so the riot police could hem them in.
I’m also concerned by the behavior of the reporters at the WHCD who, according to Josh himself, were milling around during the Color Guard’s marching of the Flag to the podium when they should have been standing still and silent at their chairs. If the White House reporters don’t know and follow the proper protocol for the US Flag, why would anyone be surprised by a reporter writing digital notes during the playing of the National Anthem.
He says, “I’m doing image maintenance right now, but I’ll be back to my normal assholish posture soon”
Ahh the GOP demands “personal responsibility” of others but consistently fails to practice it themselves. Irony