Discussion: O'Reilly Tells NRA To 'Be Reasonable': 'Background Checks Make Sense'

Discussion for article #244348

A lot of realignment going on…when is the next election ?


I do not watch O’Reilly’s show. So it is only every few months that I read a news article like this–newsworthy because it is only every few months that he says something I agree with. I made a good decision, not to watch his show.


“The FBI should background check anyone buying a firearm in America. That just makes sense,” O’Reilly said on his show.

I almost fell out of my chair.


C’mon BillO, how many times do we need to go over this? Background checks (or any gun safety measure) only make sense when the GOP proposes them. They are government tyranny when a Democrat proposes them.


Oh dear…I predict an influx of BilloMakingSense injuries in ERs.


No BillO fan but like a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut once in while he gets it right. And at least he took a little time to understand what Obama proposed before shrieking “Fweedum” like the GOTPers on the campaign trail and Talibearded Eddie Munster.


Eddie is freaking me out with that facial hair–suddenly he thinks he’s a 20-something hipster?


Fine, it won’t do ‘any good’. However, it’s happening whether the NRA likes it or not. Why are you being so reasonable Billo?


O’Reilly instead advocated for lengthier prison sentences for those convicted of using a gun in a crime.

“You know, I was going to go on a rampage and murder as many people as I could before shooting myself, but if that’s going to get me twenty years instead of just ten, forget it!”


“O’Reilly Tells NRA To Be Reasonable.”

GOP (Mon/Wed/Fri): “Government’s highest priority is public safety at all costs! First Amendment freedoms do not apply to Muslims!”

GOP (Tue/Thu/Sat): “Background checks for assault weapons is tyranny! Second Amendment freedoms are absolute!”

Doublethink: (noun) The ability to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously.

Do try to keep up, Bill.


Federal, and as best I can tell, every state already imposes longer prison sentences for using a gun in a crime.

But then, every time a public figure on the right says something rational, it is always, always, always followed by a demand that we do things we’re already doing. Nor, for that matter, do they even have to make a sensible statement. Demanding that we do things we’re already doing seems to be a major part of the conservative recipe for fame and political success.


But there’s still a very long list of things that make sense when it comes to gun control that Bill O’Reilly won’t and/or can’t acknowledge. He’s picked the least controversial (if you want to call it that, since polls show a lot of support for background checks) topic to play “see, I’m totally an Independent rational thinker!” on. Let’s not buy into it. O’Reilly is still just a propagandist shit-for-brains shill for the Republican party.


Really, even the extended sentencing is not a bad idea and has been floated elsewhere. As many gun crimes occur by those that have already perpetuated them before. That said, limiting access to guns logically would reduce the number of crimes by reducing guns.

Those deadset can probably buy whatever, but if it is enough to get somebody to rethink than it is pretty good.


O’Reilly telling the NRA to be reasonable??

If the NRA had their way every baby born would be issued a Ma Deuce, RPG, or an AK47 at birth.

Annnd here’s the state of mind they want for all of America all the time:


You know the Republican party is extreme when O’Reilly and Hannity are the voice of reason


The NRA has no objection to this. They’ve been supportive of this in the past.

It’s only the Grand Outraged Party that thinks it’s a problem and they can’t even be specific as to what their objections are.


Though O’Reilly expressed support for background checks, he argued that expanding background checks won’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. The Fox host said that those individuals will simple buy firearms on the black market and “no registration law will prevent that.”

But how many times are terrorist/criminal plots foiled because law enforcement poses as that black market (or its equivalent)? If you force criminals to take that extra step to purchase weapons-instead of easily acquiring them at any gun store-you increase the odds for law enforcement to stop the criminals before they act.


He now and then says something reasonable. He has also noted he has problems with the death penalty. But, the caveat about the provision not really mattering seems to make his comment somewhat weak.

Anyway, this business of using tougher penalties – though actually enforcing them is made harder by various roadblocks like the long term blockage of the confirmation of the ATF director for years – is a fairly conservative/big government approach. There would be a lack of desire to convict various otherwise law-abiding people here and put them in already overcrowded jails.

If the laws are applied to those, including dealers, who GIVE them the guns, maybe, but then that isn’t really who the NRA wants harmed here.


Of course background checks make sense, but they don’t make cents…or dollars. The NRA is a lobbying organization that exists to ensure that gun manufacturers can earn as much money as possible with nothing to stand in their way…

…like background checks.