Discussion for article #235077
The world would of course be a better place if O’Reilly’s lips were sewn together with baling twine. That said, if all the MSM can do about this or any other development in the Muslim world is keep rolling out braindeads like Kristol or vampires like Cheney to supposedly elucidate us, well, yeah, I think we’re not much better informed thereby. That’s my fair and balanced $.02.
yeah… I agree with you Billo… I probably trust Iran more than you or the phony ‘news’ network you work for…
Baron Münchausen is more believable than Bill-0 the KKKlown!
O’Reillly doesn’t trust the media…
It’s way too early in the morning for this level of irony.
What O’Reilly is really saying is that he doesn’t trust anyone who reports or has an opinion contrary to his. By definition, that is a megalomaniac.
Sadly, I gotta agree. I was discussing the Iran deal with my parents over the weekend and I was floored to discover they hadn’t realized this wasn’t a deal between the US and Iran, that five other countries had helped broker the deal. I also had a similar conversation with a like-minded coworker who also didn’t realize other countries were involved in the negotiations, that it isn’t a matter of simply trusting President Obama. When you look at most news stories very little, if anything, is mentioned about other countries’ involvement. The entirety of the MSM in this country should be fired. They’re completely derelict in their duties. Ironically, those running around pear-clutching over Rolling Stones’ mistakes in the UVA story are some of the worst offenders, those with the least amount of journalistic integrity.
Hmmm…smells like buIIsh*t! Oh…it’s just the mainstream media.
And BTW, I always chuckle at FAUX News and it’s odious pundits when they lament the horrible and Goliath-like “Lamestream Media” ____and then point out how much more popular THEY are in comparison!!! The stupid and the hypocrisy at that GOP propaganda and mendacious cesspool of cretins and ‘news readers’ burns! ~FOX: We deceive; You believe!~
I’m not familiar with Iran media but if they don’t roll out any and every Republican to spew talking points, aren’t more interested it creating news than reporting in and don’t breathlessly report whatever controversy the right wing has created for the day then I agree with O’Leilly - I’d trust them more as well.
“I think I trust Iran more than I trust the American press.”
If it had been Rachel Maddow saying this, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the FoxNews Insane-O-Sphere® would all have had grand mal fits of gurgling, red-faced apoplexy.
I want to see it in the committee hearings on television
Oh my…I totally agree…I’m calling the doctor.
You’re of course 100% right, but a finger also needs to be pointed at Dems in Congress. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi ought to be grabbing whatever microphone in front of them four times a day to make the same point you are. But then that would be a world in which that arrogant cocksucker Chuck Schumer isn’t actively involved in stabbing his own President in the back.
I’m sad about it too, believe me, because when I was a kid I got into newspaper reporting and then magazine writing and editing and I loved it. It was a way of embracing the world. And back then, at least in the print media, serious, committed professionals got a modicum of respect and a living wage. That’s not true any more. But I mostly blame the public, frankly. If they’d wanted serious, insightful journalism then serious, insightful journalism would be flourishing. They want celebrity gossip and sideboob, preferably combined, and that’s what they’re getting. I don’t think the Founders envisioned a public so vapid and self-absorbed, but that’s where we are. Not every last person, of course. But way too many. Come to think of it, I blame the schools too. But mostly the public. They’re not bad people, mostly, but they’re pretty lousy citizens.
I don’t disagree with the opinion that modern mainstream media is just awful much of the time. But what does O’Reilly want to see done about it? A lot of the reason we are where we are has to do with the 20 or so years now of so-called conservative media berating any outlet with integrity as “liberal” and thus evil and can’t be trusted. Remember when they even went so far as to defund NPR? There’s been a long standing joke that reality itself has a liberal bias. If major news outlets all of a sudden ditched the shouting match bullshit and began running in-depth stories again, “real 'Murica” might actually be exposed to accurate critical analysis, and that threatens the conservative media bubble. It’s such dishonest irony that Bill O’Reilly of all people is making this argument. He’s the poster boy for much of why our information sources are stuck in the gutter.
Bill-O IS the US media, and the mainstream of world media. He claims the highest ratings, and his boss owns more media outlets than anyone else on the planet.
Billo trusts Iran more than he trusts himself …being part of “the media”. Interesting.
Harsh words for a man I wouldn’t trust to correctly break a $5 bill.
I’m not surprised. All conservatives in this country are in luv with foreign leaders (Putin, Netanyahu) and now, their state-controlled media. Petty little tyrants often admire one another while proclaiming themselves to be independent thinkers and lovers of freedom.
Right you are, sir. A self-absorbed media that sees the problem in vanishing ratings and mockery and whose young, fresh, lower paid 'reporters remain as tongue-tied as their viewer-banished if still broadcasting elders about ‘the problem’.
Another BillO tactic means more dead man talking…
He doesn’t trust his own mirror.