Discussion: O'Reilly Calls On 'The Clergy' To Preach About 'The Holy War' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #233415

Billo, wants the crusades to come back. How nice.


Who’s going to protect me from the religious loons in the U.S. who are ruining this country?


Still claiming ISIL is Muslim. Jerk.


Instead of a clenched fist, I suggest you take off a shoe and pound it on your desk. That would be even more convincing. Comrade.


This is tiptoeing right up to the “incitement” line. I fear that dimmer bulbs out there won’t see that line, though. Heck–with all this right-wing anger directed at Obama that he won’t directly associate ISIL with Islam, there are plenty of folks out there who don’t even want a line to be there.


Since ISIS, according to an Atlantic magazine article, wants a holy war, wouldn’t O’Reilly be aiding and abetting its agenda?


Your fear is justified

In this corner Barack Obama saying that ISIL fighters are not Islamic, they’re terrorists looking to wrap themselves in the legitimacy of religion who only hope America declares war on Islam.


In this corner we have Bill O’Reilly giving ISIL everything they want.


Bill-O … center of the ring with the mic: 'ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!!!'

OUR MAIN EVENT …"Judeo-Christian Philosophy vs. The Jihad,"

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As long as the only “boots on the ground” overseas against ISIL are those of their congregations, I’m okay with that.


He has some fond childhood memories.

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this kind of incitement offered up by christian fascists, like the american family association, is one thing; but when it goes mainstream and is offered up by bill oreilly, it is another. and it only feeds the animosity of those who are already hostile to muslims. you can expect to see more and more violent assaults against mosques and muslims increase across the country.

For fvcks sakes… O’Reilly’s finally gone off the deep cuckoo end.

Quick, someone put him in touch with Glenn Beck! They can trade conspiracy theories about theocracies being built on the ashes of the upcoming apocalyptic holy war…


Billo, since you feel so strongly about this, I suggest you use your influence to raise a Judeo-Christian army and crusade against IS in Iraq. I’m sure your supporters are already well armed and would be willing to go, just so long as your are leading from the front. It’s time to walk the walk, Billo. Are you a real Judeo-Christian Conservative Man or a wimp ass tofu eating gun hating Demorat? Well are you punk!?


[ter-uh-riz-uh m]


  1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
  2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

I would suggest ISIS / ISIL just loves when it coerces Bill O’Reilly to make insane statements.


Every Evangelical Christian who feels that they need to defend their faith should gather together and go to the middle east to fight ISIS. No one should stop them, but there should be no support from any government or any tax-funded resources.


Paddy Chayefsky, was prophetic. O’Reilly is becoming indistinguishable from “Network” protagonist, Howard Beale.

But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head
out, and yell, and say it: “I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO

All that’s left is for him to collapse on the air. Get ready for the “Mao Tse Tung” Hour"


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This emulating jihadists dovetails nicely with Oklahoma and Texas banning history textbooks because they’re not patriotic enough - just like Stalin.

“Those Muslims have to be dealt with,”

yeah Bill… sounds like good old WWII fighting words - only back then the headlines called out the “Jerrys” or “Krauts” and the “Japs” or “Nips” …

Oh it will be so much fun - a real battle with really evil, evil bad guys who look really different so we can hate everyone who looks like them - and if we can make all of them seem evil enough - it will just be so much easier to say - - - let’s kill them all!

Maybe we can use some nukes! …heck why else did we build them? use 'em if you got 'em …