Discussion: Oregon Occupiers Will Hold Town Hall Meeting In Burns Friday Night

Discussion for article #244572

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I think they’ll be surprised at what the locals think.


I wonder if guns will be allowed at the meeting.


Only for the invaders.


I wonder if they’ll just mow down anybody who dares to speak out.


They’ll all be in one place, away from their hideout. That’ll be the time to get 'em.


who will make sure there is French Vanilla Creamer for the coffee? and for a REAL treat French Vanilla Torani…


Time for the Feds to retake their property while the squatters are out having their “town hall meeting.”


WE THE PEOPLE don’t want you there.

The people of the county don’t want you there.

The MAJORITY of Americans -ie WE THE PEOPLE- do NOT support you.



You arrogant ignorant silly idiots.


Perfect. Raid the refuge and arrest anyone who is left behind to guard it and converge on this town meting with overwhelming firepower and arrest the rest of these morons.


If the gummint is smart, and so far the gummint has shown admirable restraint, they’ll just wait this out. Let the “invaders” wank for the cameras, come back into their well-deserved isolation, and give them plenty of time to think. In the meantime, I’d shoo all the residual folks away, and stop plowing a few roads in the area.

Don’t arrest anyone now. That provides way too much camera footage and right wing talk show fodder. Wait till later, then send them the bill, send in the IRS, turn off the gummint farm handout machine, and generally do a lot of boring things to make their lives miserable.

I sense the careful hand of Barack Obama in all of this. They must teach patience in Kenya.

“Proceed, Senator.”


Cute. A “Terrorist Town Hall”.


Nice sentiment, HamlinBoy, but the quote is “Proceed, Governor.”


The squatters have taken over the town? They think they speak for the locals? Sounds like an invasion.


“I think there should be a dialogue,” Finicum said.
The dialog should be about those “occupiers” cleaning up after themselves. Replacing in order the hard copy files they rifled thru, paying for the water and electricity they used. Admitting they broke the law as trespassers would be a good thing as well. And then apologizing to the local folks who’s lives they so callously disrupted and the school kids who’s educations they interrupted. And finally they need to spend some time as guests of Oregon law enforcement in jail… And all this is just for starters. Hopefully the neighbors of these nut cases will ostracize them and verbally abuse their reputations. I grew up in a very rural area and that last bit would certainly apply.


I LOVE IT!!! The yahoos better bring their guns to defend themselves. I doubt any one of these asshats has been to a real Town Hall meeting, where democracy can run amok. Hopefully someone will get video (a network or three) to see how they treat anyone who doesn’t agree with their horseshit. Suddenly, running a democracy isn’t so easy.


I wonder if the county requires a permit for a public protest.

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Nah, just go to the refuge while the occupiers are in town and take it back and as you said arrest the few left behind. But don’t let the bulk of 'em back. With no place to return to they’d be forced to leave. LaVoie Fincum would be happy to depart I suspect since he has admitted he’s got cattle who have wandered off and other ranching stuff he needs to get done. (What a moron)

How about tanks and maybe Special Ops? Nah, just send in missile launching drones. Make sure all the Outsiders are on stage and then it’s bombs away. Just make sure Peta and the Audubon people have the wildlife evacuated from the vicinity.

Only the Dodo Birds will be affected. The Forest Service could then mount their heads like deer or bison on the walls of the preserve information center when the smoke settles?

Good Lord. This is getting beyond ridiculous. Maybe they’d like to be invited to the State of the Union address too. I’m sure one of the Tenthers or Militia-loving Patriot Representatives or perhaps someone like Senator Cruz has an extra ticket to share…