Discussion: Oregon Militiamen Destroy Fence At Wildlife Refuge

Discussion for article #244531

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Right ---- Turn cattle out into critical habitat — That’s like turning a bunch of bozos loose on public lands — Theodore R. did more for the people of this country w/ his little finger than these f.,cks will ever do in their lives —

And the charges just keep mounting — I think something will begin to happen this week — Blatant destruction of public property could be the catalyst —


Here’s where it gets tricky–the government can’t ignore this. They’re daring a response. These guys think land stolen from Native Americans is their “god-given” right. What would they do if armed Native Americans came to take it back?

Note that their leader dresses like a regular guy, so they have a non-paramilitary face to show.

Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. At some point, they need to be stopped.


It’s time to establish a no fly zone and clean this shit up. No media, no negotiation. Simply move in. We’ve got to treat domestic terrorists the same as their foreign counterparts.


whoever the hell has been in charge of the federal response, needs to be replaced. the inaction by the feds has only emboldened these assholes; and you can be sure there are others watching very closely and just waiting for their moment, not to mention those on their way to join up.
and in the meantime, the rest of us watching and knowing how the response would be 180 different if it was native or minority americans are getting really pissed off at the duplicity.


So, now since these guys have destroyed my/our property, does that give me a right to go there with my gun and shoot them for destruction of personal property? Including the rancher(s) since they aided and abetted destruction of my/our property? Or does the whole freaky “guns are the answer to everything” meme apply to Republicans only? They are so confusing.


The family showed them where to do it? Arrest the family and confiscate any cattle that go on to the refuge.


Getting harder and harder to buy the meme of the Big, Bad Federal Government when they let this crap continue (not that any rational person ever did).


Property-rights is all the rage with these shit-for-brains unless its someone else’s property. American democracy cannot tolerate the armed aggression by its most hypocritical, ignorant and bull-headed members. Arrest them now.


If federal officials didn’t do squat about heavily armed thugs pointing loaded weapons at BLM officials trying recover some of the millions in unpaid grazing fees in Nevada, what in God’s name makes you think the Feds are going to give two shits about some dumb fence out in the Oregon boondocks?


Different public pressure —


Yep. When I’m out in the snow my first fashion choice is always high summer camo.

These boys get any dimmer and they’ll forget to breathe.


Thats going to cost them. Give them the invoice and set a trial date.


I can’t help but think that the lack of a Federal reaction has to do with the 2016 election and trying hard not to give the right another rallying point. Not like they need one since they make them up out of thin air.


Let them continue to be the Darwinian rejects they are, destroy things in their Constitutionally-driven tantrum, then go home when their little piddies get cold and they run out of food. When they’re nice and comfy before the fire, put a lien on their properties, a bounty out on their heads, and wait. Deny them making any kind of difference, point, or even martyrdom.

In the long game, these jackoffs are absolute losers. In the short game, the feds have nothing to gain by storming the place


Since they also changed their demands AND have been seen trying to access government computer systems using employee ID cards and going through personnel records, it’s time to end this.


If they were lefties, they’d already have been maces, arrested and arraigned, and facing five years in prison and $150,00 in fines. If they were Muslims, they’d already been extraordinarily renditioned. If they were black, they’d already be teargassed and shot dead.


I just hope they are waiting for many of these Freedumbfucks to reveal themselves and their areas of support.
The winter is probably slow for the migratory species but goddam them if they are there for spring!


More likely they will wait until they go home, then issue warrants, etc. Lots of them


They are not going to ignore it. There is nothing tricky about this.

Exactly, so you don’t give them what they want, a raid. Eventually they go home, and warrants are issued, and arrests are made. And no way that the sentences of the Hammond’s are being commuted, which is what they want. Funny thing is that even the Hammond’s are not fighting their sentences.

These are not bright people. If the Feds storm the place, they will have been outsmarted by morons. The Feds are smarter than that.

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