Discussion for article #244315
There’s something seriously amiss when a Hatzbollah spokesman of the Cowliphate is called “Fluffy Unicorn.”
Last I saw the Black Lives Matter advocates were not taking over federal buildings and holding them at gunpoint. So, yeah, you face more of a backlash.
That’s what they get for following ShaniaLaw
At least now we know the 2016 GOP ticket: Trump/Fluffy Unicorn!
Oregon Militia W.A.T.B. Task Force has, um, Black envy.
I didn’t know that BLM occupied a Federal building and refused to leave?
I don’t think someone is aware of the definition of “backlash”.
“Fluffy Unicorn”
It’s the Pop Tarts talking…
So, are these guys “Cow Lives Matter”?
The similarities are eerie.
HUH? Has everyone forgotten the BLM activists that were arrested? Did these yahoos also forget the number of journalists that were also arrested? Only idiots like this militia guy is THAT stupid.
Bill OReilly: BLM was treated with kid gloves.
Hannity: I couldnt agree more.
“The Black Lives Matter movement, they can go and protest, close freeways down and all that stuff, and they don’t get any backlash, not on the level that we’re getting.” (Fluffy Unicorn … I kid you not) (among other lies)
Sir/Madam, I’m not sure whether to get out the shovels (for all the shitting you’re doing) or break it to you gently that you’re acting like a victim is way WAY over the top and you will not be nominated for any Oscars or Emmys for this pathetic performance.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” ~ Cliven Bundy
Way to class it up there, Jethro.
Sure, if by “BLM” you mean “Bureau of Land Management” occupying a building that belonged to them, then BLM absolutely did occupy a federal building and refuse to leave.
They want to be treated the same way as BLM?
Ok…fine…I’ll take that deal, hands down, in a red second. Someone please buy me a ticket to Oregon, a can of police mace, a tear gas launcher with plenty of ammo and a Glock 22 so I can accidentally shoot them in the back when they’re running away…
Well, if I were to translate that (I do speak a little gayboy), I’d say he’s a (pillow) fluffer unicorn = Unicorn who takes it up the butt.