Discussion for article #233210
Sounds as if the (D) governor has been visiting unvaccinated ®s…
Sounds like a call to the doctor might be in order.
I’ll believe Kitzhaber any day of the week over Kate Brown (D-Comcast). I suspect she saw invisible sharks in the water and thought she was making a smart power-play by coming back early, looks like it back-fired.
Oregon is too beautiful to have average run-of-the-mill pols. Just as the scenery in Oregon is breathtaking so are the politicians.
Actually, I’m just the opposite. Kate Brown is awesome and since it will be her who takes over if Kitz resigns, the state won’t miss a beat.
My question is. “Who benifits if the resignation does/does not happen”? Oregon has several large issues in play; ennironmental such as carbon fuel shipments, recreational marijuana and its potentially multi-billion dollar economic shot, and some others. Who are the people behind the curtain and who do they represent?
She’s anti-net neutrality and while Google was considering Portland as one of the next round of Google Fiber destinations she carried Comcast’s water (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/politicians-support-comcast-with-ghostwritten-letters/) further supporting the near monopoly they have on broadband in Portland, a city that has suffered more losses in the tech sector than any other major West coast city in the past two decades. Google has passed on Portland for Fiber expansion.
Secretary of State Kate Brown (D), who would have succeeded Kitzhaber if he stepped down
Would this have been the first time two contiguous states had governors with the same last name?
The Secretary of State takes over if the Gov resigns? Don’t they have a Lt. Gov.? BTW, that SOS is some ugly.
That picture isn’t the best. Actually, she is quite attractive. Smart as a whip and, contrary to TomanJeri’s position, very progressive in her politics. I’ll have to ask her about her “net neutrality” position, though in fairness it is a federal issue that won’t be decided by any individual state, so it really doesn’t matter.
I’ve been following Oregon political and government news and Portland broadband news very closely for some time, and I don’t think Google has said they have passed on Portland. I think there has been some conflation of the revelation of Kate Brown’s “personal” but really pseudo-formal-Ore SOS endorsement of Comcast which was revealed on 1/26, the day before Google announced the next increment of news on 1/27 with Atlanta, Nashville and Raleigh as new cities for Google Fiber which didn’t include an update on Portland (or most of the other candidates). I think we have a chance still - formally Google says all of 2015 is a time for decision making… with that said I think Kate Brown’s water carrying for Comcast won’t help and is a disgrace, and it has me question her more than I used to. I thought I knew her well from previous campaigns, interviews, and political beat reporting in the WW and PM.
(edit: yep, just checked their GF blog and that is correct, we’re still in the running: http://googlefiberblog.blogspot.com/)
Furthermore, I really want Google Fiber for business and personal reasons, and more so because of the fuel it will provide to the economic engine of the region. I’m excited for it. … with that said, Google even talking about it along with City Hall supporting it in the vetting and pre-planning process has prompted Century-Link to ramp up its fiber offerings!! Much of the inner east side (like west of 39th I think) now has fiber!! Not just the couple neighborhoods as before. Though the price is high at 1Gbit/sec for ~$120ish/mo, it may be worth it for some. I’m still advocating with tech, political folks, friends, and family for getting Google Fiber here. It will be a huge catalyst for regional growth.
Wow, take your objectifying the hell out of here. Obviously you’re not an Oregonian saying something like that.
Oregon constitution calls for lines of succession to be SOS first, like a few other states (Arizona for example, how they got Jan Brewer as Gov.): http://www.opb.org/news/article/what-happens-in-oregon-when-a-governor-resigns-/