Discussion for article #232073
Folks, if you live in Texas, you need to contact your state delegate, state senator, and Gov and insist that the open carry legislation before the legislature does not pass. Currently (and sadly) it is legal to parade around with a loaded rifle in Texas. The legislation at issue now is whether to expand open carry to hand guns. This is the last thing Texas needs.
Where’s my panic button?
The Ammo-Sexuals get very upset when they feel their sex-toys are threatened. After all, lovingly caressing their penile-surrogate is the only thing that gets them hard.
They just want the right to date their Guns. You know, take them out to dinner, go to a movie, then, hopefully, after a long, slow massage with gun-oil, they will get some.
Arrest the Ammo-Sexuals for terrorism.
Thugs be thuggin.
Armed gun rights activists from several different organizations gathered Tuesday at the Capitol to advocate for a bill approving unlicensed open carry of handguns.
WTF? So all these gun nuts who’s first response to any criticism is “we’re responsible gun owners” are pushing for unlicensed open carry? Because…“constitooshun”? Yeah, how could any of that end badly?
Yep, that is what they want. Currently, in Texas you do not need any kind of permit to openly carry a “long gun” (think rifle, shotgun, semi-automatic assault rifle) without a permit. To make matters worse, in Texas, you can purchase rifles and pistols in private sales, at gun shows, and off the internet without any kind of background safety check. So, if the open carry guys get their way, it means that folks in Texas can walk around with any gun (rifle or pistol) they want and, depending on how they obtained the gun, do so without any kind background safety check or open carry permit. It’s scary and dangerous.
Sounds like eeevolution is working in texasss. Sooner or later they will start shooting each other because they think somebody shot at them. All you need is the start button pushed, say like a firecracker going pop. When the vultures and coyotes finish cleaning up the mess, a new breed of sensibility can take over. maybe
OK. The guy demands The Constitution be read. Presumably he’s referring to the Second Amendment. Here it is:
“”“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”""
As ratified. I see “well regulated” in there but there isn’t jack about “open carry”. No “stand your ground” either. It seems if you do read The Constitution you get the impression the Founders were concerned with the defense of the American people ( scattered over a very large country ) and were authorizing the formation of Militia’s ( which in 1789 English did not mean rebellious groups ) or National Guard like forces.
If you do read “the Constitution” you don’t find any support in it for these guys other than their right to sign up with the Reserve or National Guard and get a weapon. .
I am carrying and I’ll go where I want to go, do what I want to do. Don’t touch me. Don’t give me the impression that I am threatened. It’s all in the Constitution, like don’t tread on me. Waiter, there’s a snake in my soup.
Yup the Constitution. Unfortunately that Document calls for the possession of arms to be “well regulated” and unlicensed open carry is defacto unregulated. So they have to work on that.
I’m sooo sick of these second amendment dickwads.
Ignorant fucking malodorous malcontents.
The entire lot of them.
Waiting for someone to “stand their ground” with Kory.
The problem is that there are sane people in Texas as well. I have relatives there. I worry about them.
The frequency that gun owners seem to kill themselves and their fellow gun advocates, perhaps they will render themselves extinct and liberalism will flourish beyond the Austin city limits.
Did OCTC represent its position well? Let’s see, they got hostile when told no, and threatening- “What are you going to do, touch me or something? That would be one wrong move. I am being nice. I’ll show you mean”. That two minute recording looks like an epic fail.
Open Carry, because what good is an artificial penis enhancement if you can’t flash it around?
And when it does end badly, they’ll advocate for mandatory gun ownership,
and when that ends badly, they’ll advocate for mandatory open carry of loaded guns for everyone over 21,
and when that ends badly, they’ll demand that everyone have a backup gun,
and when that ends badly, they’ll demand that the age of open carry be reduced from 21 to 5.
and when that ends badly, they’ll demand that everyone carry and AR-15,
and when that ends badly, they’ll mandate that everyone carry an M4, M16, or and MP5 instead of an AR-15,
and when that ends badly, they’ll push for equipping everyone with M67 grenades (5-9 year old’s exempt)
For Caste Defense they advocate that every home be equipped with a turret mounted M240 machine gun and M136 anti armor weapons.
And when that ends badly (and you know it will) they’ll demand the ultimate in person protection! The M-29 Davey Crockett Tactical Nuclear Recoilless Rifle. (Yes, it was real.)
And after all that, we’ll never hear from Texas again.