Discussion: Oops! Mike Pence Opens VP Debate By Thanking The Wrong University (VIDEO)

what a maroon

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Yup, Mike definitely borrowed Mitch McConnell’s spork to this knife fight. He should have borrowed a few of his wife’s “towel charms” instead … he could have actually inflicted some damage with those :stuck_out_tongue:


At least he didn’t thank Trump University.


Or plug the new, tremendous, luxurious Capital "T"ÂŽ hotel in D.C.


What a perfect buffoonish complement to Donald Trump.

“Id like to thank . . . WHERE THE FUCK AM I?”


Someone should check Trump Foundation records for donations to Norwood U. Could be a shadow corp in the Caymens with Trump and Pence as sole stockholders.
Yeah, OK, I’m no good at Twitter humor.


Are you sure that was a mistake?

Maybe Pence did it purposely, so as not to ruin a perfect string of lies.


I have been saying for a long time that Pence Is dumber than a brick. No offense to bricks. Pence is also a ridiculously right wing nutcase when it comes to social issues!


Russia lovin’ right wing nutcase…

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1 debate. ONE. and he can’t remember where he is?? Imagine him in China thanking Taiwan for hosting him.

If you haven’t seen it, Google the speech in which he talks about POTUS O wanting to " level the playing field". Pence emphasized the word “level” to show that POTUS O was dictator-like, wanting to bulling over things, tear things down. I sat there with my mouth open I was so perplexed by that line.

First I’d like to thank, uh where am I…oh hell…FU!

One pundit this morning said, “Well, they’re making progress. Pence has made it to the fictional land of ‘Norwood’ while Trump still lives in an alternate universe and reality.”

I might give him a pass if he slipped slightly and named a real University by mistake. I can’t find any “Norwood” University in the US. Mind you, this guy is auditioning to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful elected position in the world and he messes up the debate location?

He’s far from baffoonish. He’s a dangerous man. He has a controlled polite exterior but inside is a vicious authotarin liar. He’s the Fox in the Fox, Rabbit and Cow story. He’ll hurt you if given a chance.

I don’t think it’s an “either or” situation. Trump, for example, is both buffoonish and dangerous.