Discussion: Only Certainty About This Week's O'Care Repeal Push: There Will Be A Vote

With McConnell clearly flailing, will he be the next target of Trump derision?

Gonna be interesting when the GOP music finally stops and these folks start scrambling to keep their seats safe.


Paul, on Sunday, called the replacement bill a “monstrosity.”

But says he’ll vote to allow this monstrosity to move forward onto the Senate floor, as long as he gets his symbolic vote on “clean repeal,” which he knows will fail.

Apparently he believes he can vote to bring the monstrosity to the floor, without accepting any responsibility if it passes.

And for many of his moronic, ideologically self-blinded constituents, that may work.

Can you imagine what the Republicans would be saying if the Democrats were doing this? It’s just mind boggling that they think putting a bill that is secret forward is just fine…for all we know the bill will be one line that says “We will repeal and replace Obamacare”, with nothing else at all in it. Actually, McConnell just might do that, because he for sure is not putting anything forward that can be examined in time for the vote. The vote should be 99-0 (with McCain out) against proceeding just on general principles…but it won’t be, because Republicans are willing to destroy health care because of their hatred of Obama.

Good reporting Tierney.