Discussion for article #224719
Until a citizen can openly carry a firearm in a bank, police station, airport or on a passenger plane, 'merica will not be truly free.
Probably would also include the U.S. Supreme Court, and the U.S. Congress, too. Yes, let’s let freedumb ring!
Jason, maybe nobody came because they’d rather spend a day off from work having burgers and beers with friends than walking around in public with guns making jackasses out of themselves.
These OC idiots need basic gun safety awareness.
Guns are not bling - or any other kind of status symbol.
They are lethal weapons deserving of the respect and caution we regularly use when handling poisons or deadly microbes. Who would want open or concealed carry of Sarin gas canisters or of vials of the Ebola virus in Target or Walmart?
Interesting: the lunatics are being publicly shamed, cowards that they are.
In late-breaking news, one of the open carry advocates accidentally shot the other, who then fired his weapon at the first advocate in self-defense.
Yes, yes, yes…Target and Chipotle ASKED nicely, but the open carry Texas guys are still going in with their guns and posting videos and photos to prove they were never even asked to leave. You will not see me in either of those establishments until the sign prohibiting guns goes on the door to make it legal.
I guess you don’t buy into the Guns as Fashion Accessory movement. What kind of American are you?
The true believers were at home gettin’ drunk, blowin’ shit up and firing straight up into the air. Open carry is a sober thing for one and they can’t just pop caps like at home. So best to stay home and combine all of your favorite pass times.
Either that or Faux had another Benghazi: The Real Truth, episode on repeat.
So who showed up? I’m guessing Spitzer and his wife.
carytown is just a little west of the main VCU campus. most of the people who are going to be there are going to be students, instructors, accountants, lawyers, doctors, etc.
apparently, this goofball didn’t do his homework, and he’s probably lucky his “buds” didn’t show up, because, as high-end as that area of Richmond is, the city police would have drop-kicked their asses out of there, permits and open-carry notwithstanding.
my guess, he doesn’t have a wife, or girlfriend, or any non-family female who would agree to be seen with him in public, unless she’s paid.
Golly, you mean that on a holiday when you may hear random, sometimes startling loud bangs and popping noises from fireworks through the day, even Open Carry nuts were reluctant to stand around holding their big guns in public? Go figure!
What a doofus! Cary Street in Richmond is an artsy, liberal area. I’m surprised that he got one person other than himself to show up. Besides, a few years ago there was a horrific murder of a family in their iconic toy store right on Cary Street. Guns are not welcomed there, and I am glad he found out the hard way.
There are plenty of red-neck areas in Richmond where he would have found like-minded compatriots…but not a few blocks from Virginia Comminwealth University, multiple art galleries,and the Virginia Museum! What was he thinking?
As I said what a doofus!
Don’t leave out Congress and the Supreme Court. That’s where we really need guns, because there are so many “good guys” that are just sitting around.
And the two of them accidentally shot each other in the foot.
He was thinking that they would embarrass all those liberals in their own backyard. Turns out they only embarrassed themselves.
It wouldn’t look good if he hired his usual hooker? That would be too much like establishment-type Republican family values men.