Discussion for article #223699
Just remember: The Tea Party has nothing to do with race, and if you even discuss that possibility, you are a reverse racist. Signed, David Duke
Certainly the only possible responses to this article are…
- No shit
- Told you so
I still have hope the guy does not win. The winner of that race will be a Senator. How many of these nutcases can that institution bear before irreversible damage is done to the USA?
Its not going to matter much what saner people do in saner places. These guys are going to hurt us and the parts of the country that elect them are never going to change.
Living here, I can tell you that as near as I can tell Cochran isn’t even trying. Unless he has some brilliant plan he’s going to whip out in the last week before the runoff he’s done.
Not that he had a chance anyway, but now it’s essentially over.
I want him to win. I think it does give the Democratic candidate a small chance at actually winning especially if they can turn out the black vote. Even if he doesn’t win, I prefer Republicans who are loud, crazy, mean, assholes to those who vote in lockstep with the GOP but appear reasonable and sane.
Plus, this guy’s crazy could help get other Democrats elected. Guys like Akin and Mourdock don’t just destroy their own chances of winning, they also further damage the already damaged Republican brand. They force other candidates in other races to talk about positions/policies they don’t want to talk about. They force Republicans in other races across the country to denounce the kind of bizarre statements these TP types often make. For instance, if he’s the nominee and he makes some offensive comments about rape that become the subject of national scorn, some KY reporter is very likely to stick a microphone in McConnell’s face and ask him about those comments. That puts McConnell in a position where he’s got to denounce McDaniel and risk further angering the already butt hurt TP wing who supported Bevin. If he sticks by him then Grimes will jump all over him for supporting the rape candidate.
When’s McDaniel going to get all arrogant and start talking about da wimmens?
After he’s done breaking into nursing homes and courhouses?
Oh, this is Mississippi. I don’t think it’ll be women he starts in on.
If it’s a runoff, how can the percentages fail to add up to anything but 100%?
The state is trying hard to revert back to its racist past of senators Eastland and Stennis mode. McDaniel is out of his white sheet now and will probably win or at the least create havoc as the governor in the future.
As far as the Dem’s chances: turning out the black vote is a hail Mary without two other changes, especially in this state, with a long history of throwing out the black vote. The other outs are siphoning off women and fair minded people from the GOP. Absent a drastic change in these voting blocs, we will lose the race and I think the same principles apply to GA, NC, KY and LA. (AR a good case example).
In this atmosphere, day and age we have better odds than any time in the last 40 years, leading up to 2016 and the Year of the Women 2020.
This is Mississippi - maff is hard.
So is the whip.
The D’s supposedly have enough oppo research on him for a "kill shot"in the general.
All of the black people will have to huddle in the Delta in Mound Bayou and stay out of “the white man’s politics”.
Unless that kill shot involves cab rides to the poll for every potential Dem voter…I doubt it.
He’s already proven himself to be a total shitbag - all it does is make the already-existing GOP majority in this state more likely to vote for him.
The truly unfortunate thing is, a crazy homeless guy wearing nothing but a two-week-old dead grackle around his neck would be elected U.S. Senator from Missingbrainsippi, provided he had an ® by his name, which could be “Tarquin Fintimlin-Wimbinlim-Bus Stop-F’tang F’Tang-Olé-Biscuit Barrel,” and he’d *still *win.
exactly, unfortunately.
On a totally unrelated topic: Does anyone else have issues signing in. If I attempt to sign in when I’m already on the letters page, it always tells me my login or password are unrecognized, even though I carefully put them in. Then if I go back to the home page and login it works just fine. What gives?
TPM’s been kinda wonky for a few days…
I’m with you, Plucky. A Repugnicant Senate isn’t going to be any worse if this guy is in it instead of Cochran. Either of them will be pushing the Senate further to the right on every issue.
Cochran would be doing it quietly, without getting too much notice. This guy will be making an ass of himself every chance he gets, if his current history is anything to judge by. His example will shine a light on his fellow Repugnicants and make them either own, or reject his lunacy. Neither of which will help their effectiveness.
And let’s face it–the General Election, even in Mississippi, isn’t the Loony Bin the Repugnicant Primary is. McDaniels’ antics might actually lead to a loss in the Senate race, electing a Democrat to the position. Especially if he continues to show his talent for stomping on his own Dicky. Maybe he’ll get arrested!
Which would be a very great good, but highly unlikely if Cochran is the candidate, and just keeps his mouth shut like a clam. Boring will win for Repugnicants in blood red states like MIssissippi.
Let the Repugnicant Freeks fly that Freeky flag high and proud! Maybe people will start paying attention and something good will come of it.