Discussion: Once A Progressive Star, Nashville Mayor Pleads Guilty Felony Theft, Resigns Over Affair

looks like she an the orange one would make a perfect couple :smiley: ( although the orangutan is not really into middle aged , post menopause blondes )

So she got called out for exactly was happens down there all the time, everyday.
I lived there for 5 years. If she was a republican, nothing would have been said. As is the case of the republicans that cornered the market on breaking laws, affairs, grifting, bribes, etc in nashville.
It’s everyday life breaking all fed & state laws and moral and ethical norms. If that is a standard anymore.
IN tenn, everybody loves everybody and I mean everybody. Family values has a different definition.
If blackburn was a dem, woo woo the saga would be tabloid news. She didn’t climb the ladder because she is smart. She is corkers go to girl and is rewarded for it on a constant basis.
Trump will love her if she ever gets in the oval room. lol A hand me up career move, courtesy of you know who.
Oh and the richest little governor in the country on a hand me down from daddy. He makes trump seem ethical and religious. lol He also really good at it. Hiding and lying that is.
I am not guessing, I lived it, seen it and moved far far away from tenn for my own reason. Sanity.


Given the theft allegations and pleas here, I am wondering why Rudolph Giuliani got away with spending tens of thousands of New York City tax dollars on his weekend trysts at Long Island Motels with his Security Detail on overtime while he was still married to Donna Hanover Giuliani? No demand for restitution? He can probably well afford it, given his dual law and international security consultant firm.


Compare to similar/worse behavior by republicans, and note the immediate agreement to repay and resignation.

In a former job, Barry was an “ethics and compliance” officer? That’s hilarious!!

If she was a Republican I envision her doing a press conference with her husband (and possibly kids) standing behind her while she says how sorry she is, and that God will forgive her. Then everyone would say “We’re praying for you!” and move on. She certainly wouldn’t suffer career consequences.

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Good riddance. Your move Gov. Bondage (R-Missouri).

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this did get my first chuckle of the day… irony?


As a fellow New Yorker remember not only the NYPD detectives protecting the mistress you had Donna Hanover tossing him out of Gracie Mansion.
Something unprecedented I don’t think Jimmy Walker precipitated an incident like that.

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I was sitting in a relative’s hospital room watching TV early one afternoon when regular programming was interrupted for Donna Hanover’s impromptu press conference on the front porch of Gracie Mansion. It was the most astounding 15-20 minutes of political destruction I have ever seen. After a mere 20 minutes, Giuliani’s lifetime ambitions for national political office were toast. Giuliani went from salivating over beating Hillary Clinton for the Senate, to announcing that he was taking a powder to deal with Prostate cancer and leaving poor Vic Lazio to come in as a last minute GOP candidate. It was quite impressive after years of watching Giuliani conduct successive affairs (the first was his communications director/press secretary, and their break up included taxpayer funded severance/alimony in the form of a six figure salaried City job), as well as the dirty, underhanded way he infiltrated Mayor Dinkins’ Board of Education, whose members were all Giuliani agents during Dinkins’ four years, and the racist riot that candidate Giuliani incited in City Hall Park by hundreds of off duty NYPD.


I remember watching it as well. Donna Hanover is actually a decent human being. It was sad to this happen to her. The next day even the Rudy can do no wrong NY Post was aghast.
On the morning of the announcement of Giuliani’s prostate cancer I was working as a legislative aide for a council member and had a bill signing to attend at City Hall for of all things a pet spay and neuter bill. Expansion of locations, mobile vans etc. The full press corps were there because of the gravity of the situation and impact on the senate race. You could tell the sympathy they elicited towards him and you could tell that he was actually humbled by the look in his face.

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Humbled and Rudolph Giuliani are not words that go together well. He was not humbled enough to keep him from subsequently claiming, when he visited the Brooklyn Museum with his mistress, that he found Chris Kofi’s painting of The Virgin Mary “offensive” and “blasphemous” as a Catholic. Nor was he sufficiently humbled to keep from spending untold thousands on Overtime for his security detail for his weekend long trysts with his mistress. His entitled behavior about conducting extra-marital affairs would be his own problem, but they always ended up costing NYC taxpayers a boatload of money. If he had been humbled he would not have squandered the good will he earned on 9-11 by exploiting police and firemen funerals to the point where he was told he was no longer welcome at them.


As a native of Ny for over 50 years, I know your point.
Just doesn’t have anything to do with Nashvilley tennesseeeeee

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Afterwards Giuliani actually created a commission to review all of the artwork in museums and institutions that accepted government funding. Thankfully it’s findings came to naught.

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I was unaware of that. For a guy who had his first marriage annulled by the Vatican so that he could homewreck the marriage of Donna Hanover (his marriage was to a cousin, so he had been required to get a special permission from the Church to marry her, from what I understand), and then carried on very openly with his NYC Mayor communications director/press secretary, gave her a $100,000 per year taxpayer funded job at the head of a City agency as compensation or severance or alimony when they broke up, and then carried on quite openly with his current wife while still married to Hanover (also at great taxpayer expense), his impulse to conduct a Catholic Inquisition of NYC Museums receiving City funding is laughable. His association with the Trump Presidential Campaign (lying about HRC’s health, his drumbeat that as a former prosecutor he opined she should be indicted) and his full court press attempt to become Roger Ailes’ defense attorney during FOX’s internal investigation of his career sexual predation, all indicate that he is quite selective about the parts of Catholicism he practices. He must be one of the new breed of Right Wing “Cafeteria Catholics.” A label usually applied to Liberal Catholics who believe in the Separation of Church and State, Choice, tolerant of LGBT and marriage equality, and Theology of Liberation. During his 8 years as Mayor, he installed a bunch of metal barriers at selected street crossings to keep pedestrians from crossing there. They were purportedly for pedestrian safety. At the time they were installed, I read,(I believe in The Village Voice) that the Pedestrian Crossing Barriers were first used by Mussolini.

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His first marriage to his cousin was annulled. Giuliani later installed her as president of Kings borough community college.
I used to joke that Giuliani should have run for the senate in Arkansas. His first marriage to his cousin would have been a selling point.

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He would have needed to embrace Creationism (like Senator Pryor did in a failed attempt to Blue Dog).

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