Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . . … . … with recordings!
If the toxicity level and flow rate of Trump’s recent twitter spew are fair indicators, there’s a lot more where this came from.
Um… okay, but we know all of this already. Do you have tapes confirming anything he can be prosecuted for? If not, we’d like to thank you for continuing to embarrass him, but I doubt this will go anywhere.
Does the enemy of my enemy really have to be my friend?
Remember when Dr. Victor Frankenstein thought that his superior intelligence and charisma would be sufficient to contain his monster’s capabilities and moral code? How did that work out again?
Trump is going to have to pull some monumentally stupid stunt to divert attention from Omarosa. Nuke Beijing or something. It’s going to be a whopper whatever form it takes.
Not in this case. Here, it is schadenfreude-squared. You are enjoying the suffering of one, right now, and the suffering of the other in the near future.
It doesn’t matter what else she may have on tape. Omarosa is:
- Black
- A woman
- Critical of Trump
- Getting more attention of him
That is enough to send Trump into a full meltdown.
So-called Christian, meet Lioness!
Wait til she brings out the sex tapes! You’ve got to know that’s on the horizon with this crazy woman and the Don’s libido!. And we all thought the blue dress was bad.
Keep on Tweetin’ Dumbass! We want to hear more from OMN.
Omarosa couldn’t convince me the sky is blue, but in a “many people are saying” context, this is useful. Just like how nothing materially changed at Helsinki, but it opened the door to regular, serious media figures saying things like “is Donald Trump compromised by the Kremlin?”.
Unless she’s got proof, in which case I excitedly encourage her to provide it.
It’s going to end like Star Trek TOS second pilot where no man has gone before. (Reality show) gods Omarosa and dotard, like Sally Kellerman and Gary Lockwood, zap the fuck out of each other until one big ass rock falls and crushes the living fuck out of them.
If we need a metaphor then I’m hoping Omarosa’s BS lightning brings in the OSC sooner rather than later and that big ass rock is an indictment the dotard can’t shake.
We return you to your normal comments, except on the west coast where you’ll get a repeat broadcast of flip or flop, already in progress.
He has an EGO, but I bet he’s a “softie” and blows his load fast. He’s more interested in bragging about what a “stud” he is. Stormy certainly thought he was a pathetic creature.
If Omarosa helps bring him down - or drive him insane enough to be removed from office - I might just have to force myself to watch some of that season of The Apprentice that she was on.
I said “might.” So, don’t hold me to it. It will be a semi-rational choice based on the combined quantities and effects of schadenfreude, alcohol and celebratory recreational drugs.
I’d say she is consulting with lawyers to see what she can legally release at this time, etc. That NDA though is pretty much unenforceable.
Damn, she’s going for it.
I’m telling you - she’s getting him good! hahahahahahahahahahaha
Omarosa may be a reality show villain, but she’s the hero we need right now.