Tweet storm in 10, 9, 8 …
She’s a grifting narcissist but she sure knows how to get into Don Don’s head.
Takes one to know one.
My point exactly.
Considering Spanky has no idea what Omarosa has on all those tapes she was recording the smart thing for him to do would be to keep his yap shut. But since smart and Trump are diametrically opposed this means you are probably right.
O just goaded big time saying “Donald Trump has met his match.” He’s going to have a stroke (not that I’m not hoping).
I don’t see a problem here. I mean, Republicans would never have had a problem if either Clinton or Obama had kept people on the WH payroll just to keep them silent, right? Am I right??
“I’ve never even met her, I don’t remember her, she was my daughter in law for only a very short period of time…”
This one does seem comparatively nothingburger to me, but if it makes the dotard lash out (narrator voice: it made the dotard lash out), then good.
Along with the Manafort trial possibly going to jury today, it’s a good day for all of us. Not so much for him.
The importance is the offer of 15K/mo to do nothing specific, live wherever she wants, it’s the payoff for silence.
They sure wasted that 15,000 a month.
Yep. Pretty innocuous given all that’s happened. But it definately shows that OMN has the ability to get under Rump’s skin like a tick that’s burrowed in so deep he just can’t dig it out.
She didn’t accept so they never paid her.
I think she is right. She learned from the master and is using his own tactics to drive him crazy. To me this is why this is so delicious.
For the dotard, this may be a bad day, but it’s a great Infrastructure Week.
She described her ability to get under spanky’s skin as The Art of the Deal.
Importance doesn’t appear to be a bona fide purpose to the $ offered. Possible violation (lawyer on msnbc) of campaign finance law.
Those small donors are not going to like that their hard earned money was offered to Omarosa.