Discussion: Omarosa Issues Warning: Anti-Trump Republicans Will Be Put On A List

Ironic. Hitler had an enemies list too - a fact that I wonder if Trump actually realizes.

\Omarosa should just drop dead.

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No one in this country who has differing political view points should be considered an enemy.


Go for it Trump. Put the pressure on them. As a Democrat I can’t wait to pass out the popcorn.

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I don’t mean to be insensitive but does anybody besides me envision her in a skimpy black outfit with handcuffs and a whip??? Scary!!!


technically, not a sitting president yet.

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what makes you think it’s just Republicans they’ll be after?
They had to make a list to tell the “good, loyal” Rs from “bad”, but all Ds are “bad” by their definition.

Didn’t Nixon at least wait until he was inaugurated before he started compiling his enemy list?


Commence Operation Hummingbird.


I have no party affiliation. But I wouldn’t mind being a Republican for just five minutes so these horrible human shit bags would put me on their list.

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We don’t judge people for exercising their right to choose who they want. Judging would require considering motives, reasons, and facts. No, we just summarily take our revenge on those who dare to not bow down to Trump.

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For those who voted this unnatural disaster into power, they do not know or care what they have let loose on this country. They will get what they deserve, but tragically the rest of us do not deserve what will happen over the next months and years.

I can hardly breathe right now… :cry:


I just heard a lot of weird grunting in my front yard and discovered two HUGE pigs…rooting up plants in my garden…breaking flower pots.

And I realized…look the Trump voters came to call.

Don’t forget the media.

The problem this time is that he won’t just stop with the ‘faithless’ Republicans. He’s going to make sure that laws are passed making just about everyone who isn’t independently wealthy or a corporation into 2nd class citizens.

I wish I could believe otherwise, but with comments like this from a Trump surrogate, I really wonder what the US is going to look like soon. I dread that it will look like 1939 Germany or Italy.

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Not until future apes go back in time and have ape kids that will rise up against their human masters and deliver themselves from bondage. But yea, it could happen.

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So apparently no one has yet told her that she’s ALREADY ON the “list”. Good little nazi is in for a bigly surprise.

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And when We The People take dRumpf down, the republic party goes down with him. Now that’s a win-win.

Wow, Omarosa is an eager little Nazi, isn’t she?

The originals. Basically the last two films. They took place in around 1972.

Ah, yes. The Enemies List.

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