Discussion: Omar Swats Off 'Fox And Friends' Critique: 'I Am As American As Everyone Else'

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I didn’t intend to question whether Rep. Omar is an American - I am questioning how any American, let alone a United States Congresswoman, could downplay the 9/11 attacks.

I really don't care to research and gather the list of names of prominent Americans that claimed 9/11 was some sort of domestic terrorist operation, designed to achieve some ends that were generally incomprehensible to anyone trying to follow their rants. But, it's a long list, including many current and past politicians, conservative media figures and members of various right leaning religious entities. They basically called the 9/11 Commission mistaken or lying rubes, for only they knew the real truth of what happened.

Will Kilmeade go after all those people?



God wanted it that way.


k. If that’s the case, then Media Matters is God’s scribe.

She was obviously making a point about guilt by association, and obviously not minimizing the atrocity. But she just as obviously could stand to be a little more circumspect. The attacks are disingenuous and meant to inflame prejudice, but still she walked right into this. If she doesn’t see that this particular “some people did something” rhetorical device isn’t a good one for a Muslim public figure to use, then maybe being a public figure isn’t something she’s entirely ready for. You can’t keep handing them weapons to use against you.


Then you should be talking to Ann Coulter, not Ilhan Omar.

What you are really saying is that Omar is a Muslim and a woman and you don’t like either one.

Essentially, you are not “questioning” anything. You are just being an ass because that’s what your audience expects of you.


“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” she said. Omar has been chastised for diminishing the gravity of the terror attack with the “someone did something” portion of her statement.”

So if she said some Saudis did this it would be ok? Or how about some Muslims did this that would be ok? Probably even better I guess.

How about if I say some Christians throw babies in cages, separate families, terrorising children, grab women by the pussy, incite violence against their opponent, this framing would be ok?


Unless of course, she is one of the ‘any attention is good attention’ crowd…but yes, everything she thinks does not need to come out of her mouth.


Hindsight is 20/20. However, some statements people make are glaringly tone deaf as they spill from their lips. The sort of language a sentient person giving even the most brief consideration and forethought would decide was the wrong way to make a point.

"Do these jeans make me look fat, dear?"

"Why yes, honey, they sure do."

No one would accuse hubby of being careless with his language. "Careless" got passed up when hubby pegged the  accelerator to the floor and the speedometer on his mouth hit "idiot".

How does a politician get elected in the first place when they suffer from an inability to talk without hopelessly mangling the simplest point they want to make?

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Two things.

Whatever someone like her says is bound to be mischaracterized and attacked by the likes of Kilmeade, so I think her trying to be more “prudent” in her choice of words (than she already has been) is something of a fool’s errand.

And second: Not wanting to hand “them” weapons to use against you has kept a lot of people in public life much too quiet about far too many things, the influence of AIPAC or the NRA being only two examples. Omar strikes me as being unafraid and, frankly, we could use a little more courage in our public life. Perhaps someone will actually follow her example!

In short, when you say:

I say “Maybe.”


Indeed. Having chosen to be here–unlike those of us who are American citizens by accident of birth–she could argue that she’s more American than those who are native-born.


Nice to know that God is letting Media Matters use 21st century technology instead of having to take dictation on those old fashioned stone tablets. But a stone tablet won’t crack if you sit on it, nor will a stone tablet die if you accidentally spill water on them.

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It can also double as a headstone in a pinch.


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I watched…with horror and fear, as the towers in NYC exploding smoke and fire,began to come apart, 3, 000 people died and responders are still dying from the fallout of the fires…OMAR may had been a kid in SOMOLIA when this happened, but it is still very real to those suffering from the event…and it is much more than’ somebody did something’ to a lot of AMERICANS…someone might suggest to her that she think before she speaks.

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Slightly OT, but I heard an interview with the grand daughter of founder of the Westborough Baptist Church (“God hates Fags”) on the BBC World Service some days ago (there is a podcast, I think). She has escaped from the cult and try to make her own way in the world.

She told how the church members where jumping around with joy when the 9/11 atttach had happened.


350,000,000 people in America
2,000,000 watch Fox’s most popular program

Why should we care about a fringe outfit that at best draws only 0.5% of Americans?

They just make a lot of noise and mainstream media gives them oxygen and another platform to spread their brand of trumpist hate.

Run for office. Make a difference. Make Amerika America again!


For a politician, she doesn’t seem to be very good at, you know, being a politician. On this stage, words matter. How could she not know that, especially with the extra scrutiny she knows she’s under? She’s self-destructing in completely unnecessary ways. Once again, her point is lost in her stupidly casual choice of words. She either needs to fire her speech writer, or get one.

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350,000,000 people in America
2,000,000 watch Fox’s most popular program

Why should we care about a fringe outfit that at best draws only 0.5% of Americans?

In general I agree with this sentiment. The problem currently is that one particular Fox viewer has a disproportionate amount of power relative to his intelligence and temperament.