Discussion: Omar, Schakowsky Rip Trump For Sabotaging Fight Against White Nationalists

If white people do it it’s not illegal.




Good for these two Dem reps. I love that one is Jewish and the other Muslim, one Black and the other White.

My family lost a close elderly relative in the Tree of Life Pittsburgh attack. Trump has uncorked the genie of racism and its close relative, anti-Semitism with his support for white nationalists and unlimited guns. Vicious race and religion based violence was, is, and will continue to be the result. We hold Trump and his Republican enablers directly responsible for the death of our cousin.

Its no coincidence that the worst attack on Jews in American history going all the way back to the settlement of North America by Europeans took place during Trump’s presidency.


Omar and Schakowsky, who are Muslim and Jewish, respectively, urged both religious communities to come together to fight the rise of white nationalism.

Queue 4-CHAN, FOX, and all the other propaganda machines to talk about the rising targeting of “Christian values”.



Trump and the GOP’s support for white nationalism and stochastic terrorism must be called out! Again and again!


…such insanely banal evilness these murderous sons-of-devils are, that two brave lady American Congresspeople call them out dead on. Inspires me! Really. Let’s create some big mo’ here folks…
weather is turning nice, and in other news…


““Last year, President Trump ended grants from the Department of Homeland Security designed to help fight white supremacist violence,” Omar and Schakowsky wrote. “And just weeks before the Poway attack, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security disbanded a group of intelligence analysts focused on domestic terrorism.””

Give you one guess what they’re hoping for in 2020 if he loses. One. Go ahead. Guess.


“Last year, President Trump ended grants from the Department of Homeland Security designed to help fight white supremacist violence,” Omar and Schakowsky wrote. “And just weeks before the Poway attack, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security disbanded a group of intelligence analysts focused on domestic terrorism.”

This hasn’t received enough play in the media at all, and I’m glad these Congresswomen are highlighting it.


Hell, Vice President Mike (Jesus loves me more than you) Pence told a graduating class at Liberty University that they all would be “persecuted and shunned” their entire lives for their “Christian Beliefs”.

Thus reinforcing the “Percecuted Christian Warriors” meme that they should never speak to or trust ANYBODY other than their Dear Leaders in their Churches and Government.

It is dangerous and deadly and not by accident. It follows the Nazi strategy laid out by Hitler in Mein Kamf on how to isolate and control a portion of the population and turn them into mindless “culture warriors” for your own ends.
Hitler created the Brown Shirts, Mussolini the Black Shirts, and Pence/Falwell/et. al. are trying to create their own Jesus Shirts to do their dirty work for them because their indoctrination prepares them to commit the most horrid atrocities imaginable, because THEY are “chosen people of God.”

“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.”
― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Republicans didn’t elect a president; they elected a hit man.

They wanted somebody hurt bad…roughed up…“put in their place”.

Trump’s job is to be the goon, the psycho muscle who breaks a few legs for the howling red-state mob.

And he’s doing his best to deliver on their expectations.




I am so sorry. Words fail me.


"Trump ended grants from the Department of Homeland Security designed to help fight white supremacist violence,” Omar and Schakowsky wrote. “And just weeks before the Poway attack, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security disbanded a group of intelligence analysts focused on domestic terrorism.”

Aw, he’s just trying to show his base some of that trademark Toadglans love.


The program had to be ended. Many good white supremacists were being unfairly targeted by law enforcement.


A peaceful transition of power followed by eight years of blissful kumbaya?



Are we having a cynicism-off or a sarcasm-off haha


Note the comment of the Republican Woman in Marianna, Florida who stated she was not happy with Trump because:
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this, I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

Isn’t it amazing how “Economic Anxiety” can express itself?


Good one. I will use that from now on.

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And ye shall know them by the yellow piping on their Fred Perry’s.