At this point, Rep. Omar is a consistent embarrassment and I dearly hope she succumbs to a primary challenge in 2020. Go say stupid shit on Twitter, not as an elected official.
Don’t call your opponents sub-human. This is not hard.
This is clearly anti-Semitism…
Of course it’s not. It’s stupid in five or six other ways.
She needs to just sit down and shut up for a few months. Everything she says adds fuel to a fire we don’t want. In another two years it will be up to the people of her district.
Shutting up for a few weeks seems beyond her.
Time for someone to remind her of the Rules of Holes:
- When in a hole, stop digging
- Don’t be a hole.
Once again Omar will be attacked for basically saying something more or less spot on…
Albeit perhaps better left unsaid by a member of Congress
I am happy AOC has found a way to avoid the pitfalls Omar has. That said not being a Muslim does give AOC a little more room to maneuver…
Context is important.
Criticism is one thing, but dehumanizing other people is never a good thing.
Maybe this is putting too fine a point on it, but “sub-human” shouldn’t even be part of your linguistic toolkit for describing other beings which are, objectively, human.
It’s really deeply fucked up.
Indeed. The younger generation is notoriously lax.
Dear Ms. Omar,
you are becoming an embarrassment. Please STFU and stop giving the purveyors of faux moral outrage the fuel that they live on…
Someone who is tired of Dems finding ways to fuck things up…
I can’t believe the negatives here. Omar simply said (about Trump) what we all know to be true.
I mean, does she have to get in line or something?
It is not a feature of any particular generation, but this woman in particular, that she cannot help making deeply unfortunate statements publicly.
I don’t understand all the hating on Omar, saying she needs to sit down and shut up.
Republicans say stupid shit all day every day.
And a lot of us support that sentiment regarding the orangutan.
Yeah, she just needs to shut up.
If you think “the President is basically subhuman” is an acceptable form of public discourse, we’re getting awfully close to no longer sharing a big tent politically.
Nope. Not even a little. Not for Rachel Maddow or Bill Maher, not for Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, not for a freshman Congresswoman, not for anybody.
Yes. Yes, they do.
where is this woman from, now? I know she is a refugee from SOMOLIA… who supported her campaign? she needs to calm down before she speaks, publicly…she is as bad as TRUMPf, calling people names…speak to the issues. or shut up… we, DEMOCRATS do not need or want this kind of rhetoric.