Discussion: Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps Gets Probation For DUI

Discussion for article #231358

“During this year’s arrest, when the officer asked the 18-time gold medalist to stand on one leg as part of a sobriety test, Phelps replied, ‘that’s not happening’,”

Wow…Phelps owes a serious fucking thank you to the universe that he’s not a black dude if he’s gong to sass like that during a DUI stop. Imagine what we’d be reading about if he was…oh wait…that’s right…we probably wouldn’t be…he’d get 3 years, no suspended sentence and the MSM wouldn’t have said boo.

However, I give it two hahas and a lol…“that’s not happening” was a pretty funny response.

By Grapthar’s hammer, Phelps lived to tell the tale.

No public execution. No one digging up and exposing all his garbage (and, boy, is there a lot of garbage in this dude’s background).

Criming while white continues.

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