Discussion: Oklahoma Sen. Inhofe To Lead Senate Panel In McCain's Absence

Inhofe: All hat and no cattle…

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So, “The Senate panel that John McCain leads” is the Armed Services Committee?

Why would you call it any thing else? Because you want an extra paragraph to add a little mystery and confusion to an otherwise banal news item?


So, it’s from ‘mavericky’ to just plain ‘icky?’


It’s frightening to think of Inhofe as being in charge of everything. Indeed, it’s frightening that he is allowed to walk around free.


Wait, I thought we weren’t doing anything until health care passed.

Be strong, Jack Reed.

He will be a great leader.

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What’s truly frightening is knowing that Inhofe isn’t even the dumbest GOP senator.


One of my favorite lizard people in the senate. I can tell from the photo that he is due to shed his skin again.

Isn’t it funny how he looks like an actual victim of global warming?

Quick, somebody give Inhofe the keys to an airplane.

Oklahoma popped a pimple, and James Inhofe was born.

I read that as “Inhofe To Lead Senile Panel” - must clean my glasses more often.

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Of all the mendacious senators in the Republic Party, McCain and Graham are probably the most likely to understand and voice the principle of country before party (I know, a pretty low bar). So call me paranoid but why is McCain suddenly ill?

When will McConnell, pastiest of all senators, come down with a debilitating illness that reflects his ill-looking patina and the karmic intervention needed to slay his rotten core?