Discussion for article #234080
My nephew joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Georgia. Everybody in his family was so excited that he got in, all the lifetime connections!
Who the hell would want lifetime connections with racist assholes, I ask?
Added much later: the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter at Clemson hosted a racist Christmas party last year, presumably in reaction to Ferguson protests held on campus.
I expect some racist BS from people raised in a different era. But people 18-22? You’d think they have to work to get people around them to accept (let alone support) their outdated views.
Probably was one bad guy and a whole bunch of followers on this bus. Idiots.
“True Gentlemen” all!
This isn’t surprising. High schools in the South still hold segregated proms. Well, the schools don’t, they’ve merely discontinued conducting official proms because they were told to either integrate them or not hold them at all. So they chose the latter. Now white parents pay for private, white only proms. The black students, shut out of a traditional high school affair, have to follow suit or have no prom. This OK fraternity racism is partially fueled by the type of parents that would pay for a segregated prom. Racism and bigotry are alive and thriving in this nation.
Wow 18-22 year olds in 2015, shameful just plain shameful.
Aside from everything else, it confirms your worst suspicions about frat boys.
There’s a lot of bigotry and racism in OK. They’re got Christian and White privilege going on there. And, straight privilege.
These young people seem very well versed in this song. They must rehearse it quite often.
Not surprised. We’re talking about Oklahoma, after all. After Mississippi and Alabama (where SAE was founded) it’s the dumbest state in the land.
My nephew goes to school there.
It’ll be interesting to hear his take on this.
Welcome to Chief Justice Robert’s post-racial America.
Per Alex Pareene, “Jim DeMint, Mark Pryor, and Johnny Isakson are all SAE alums from schools in the old Confederacy.” Is anyone surprised?
These are the future Scout Leaders, Congressmen and church leaders of Oklahoma, and they’ve been raised to be the racist douche bags you see here. Sadly, nothing new under the sun!
Yes, what a shame that a few bad apples had to spoil a good time for everyone by breaking the rules.
It’s always just a few bad apples with the Greek system. It’s never, oh never, a systemic problem.
Yes, it was a very moving, heart-felt version–even better than last week’s rendition.
Future members of the Oklahoma GOP no doubt.
Future Republican members of the Oklahoma state legislature, I’d guess.
They’re already members of the Oklahoma GOP. Have no doubt in your mind about that.
Wait, there’s racists in Oklahoma?!
I doubt the person who took the video was the whistleblower. Which means that person shared the video, probably seeking affirmation from whoever he sent it to. Yeah, karma is a bitch.