Discussion: Oklahoma Ex-Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Found Guilty Of 18 Counts In Sexual Assaults Trial

Discussion for article #243670

Yet, per Trump, if one of those women had fought back and killed him, she would have been put to death. …

Anyone else feel lately that we’ve fallen down the rabbit hole? I’m kind of waiting for someone to wake me up tell me Trump was just a bad acid trip/dream.


He should have a nice prison life which he obviously never considered.

How horny can one guy be really? Didn’t dude have a girlfriend or know the prostitutes?
I know, rape is about power and control but it’s still forced sex.

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Just a minor correction. Holtzclaw SYSTEMATICALLY targeted AFRICAN AMERICAN women. That fact needs to be stressed because he thought he could get away with it.


More likely,
if one of those women had fought back, she would have been put to death. On the spot by Holtzclaw.
When cops go outlaw they can do anything they want. They have the gun, badge and uniform, and get to choose the place, time and victim. I suppose the percentage of these psychos is about what exists in the general population, but their power enables their actions to be bad enough to make all the decent LEO’s look bad too.


What say you, Donald? What penalty would you give a law enforcement official vested with public responsibilities who violates his duties so aggriegously?


Frankly, this piece of garbage deserves the death penalty for what he did…


It would have been nice if this guy could have fast-forwarded to this moment so he could see what a huge mistake he was making before he acted.

But no, he thought his uniform and the poor, black victims he chose rendered his crimes magically invisible. Time to wake up!


Death would be too easy, prison will be a daily hell which is what he truly deserves.
Not to mention how many rapes he will now get to be a participant in.


No, this guy is a wimp. He would have just busted them. It’s still his word vs theirs, and they were drug busts, so the women would not be believed. He would have no reason to kill them, that’s just a big headache for him then.

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Awww, too bad tough guy.


Just cry your crocodile tears all they way to your new home…a prison cell for the remainder of your pitiful life!

You get NO sympathy here, former cop!

I would seriously pay money to literally lick the tears off his face

Yes and unfortunately for him, the last victim was a grandmother who fought back by reporting his crime. She probably wasn’t a drug addict or prostitute like the other women this thug picked on.

“He could spend the rest of his life in prison based on the jury’s recommendation that he serve a total of 263 years”

But maybe not. He could live to be 264 years old.


and he DID get away with it. For a very long time…

He’s only crying because he was caught and convicted. Not a shred of remorse in this monster.

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Well, the power and control aspects were on full display here. He specifically chose the women he assaulted because of their perceived inability to do anything about it.

(Note that his own racism has apparently bitten him in the ass, as it seems to have been a major factor in his gross underestimation of his victims’ resourcefulness.)

Conversely, if you consider how much sex he was having as a rapist vs how much he’d have had with a regular partner who was into it, the partner is clearly the better choice—if it were about sex.

(Given this propensity, I’m guessing that there might be a few women who’ve known him “socially” and are completely unsurprised at his current predicament.)


As luck would have it, he will find out things he never knew about blow jobs and forced anal entry. Being someone’s bitch is about to take on a new dimension for this guy. Psychotic felons in federal prison don’t have much use for psychotic cops.

This is why he’s crying in this photo, not out of remorse for his crimes or regret he victimized helpless women, but fear of what lies ahead at the hands of Jesus, Jamal, and D’Shaun.