Discussion for article #235330
Non-Christian children have the right to not have the government shove a Bible down their throats.
Time for a lawsuit.
Over and over again…do these fools not understand where this is going to end? Satanic Bibles, Korans, and FSM stickers all in the name of religious freedom and boom…they have to shut it all down.
Considering that this is the same state full of jerkoffs who had to be taught a lesson by the Church of Satan over something similarly idiotic…I assume once their kids are being handed Satanic BBibles it’ll work itself out.
It’s time to start throwing out those hotel room Gideon Bibles, like the Paul Giamatti character in “Sideways.”
No…it’s time for The Satanist! That’s right…it’s time for The Satanist to swoop in along with his Church to demand equal treatment so that they can distribute their own religious literature.
“Few things are as sacred and as fundamental to Oklahomans as the constitutional rights of free speech and the free exercise of religion,” Attorney General Scott Pruitt wrote in a letter to public school superintendents. “It is a challenging time in our country for those who believe in religious liberty. Our religious freedoms are under constant attack from a variety of groups who seek to undermine our constitutional rights and threaten our founding principles.”
Scott, the clause specifying the free exercise of religion immediately follows the Establishment Clause; both are part of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Guess what the Establishment Clause does?
Thank god for the Satanists!
They are absolutely the single most effective group at helping evangelical Christians learn how freedom of religion depends on freedom from religion.
This AG should have his law license revoked, and I’m not fucking kidding.
pleasepleaseplease let there be muslim and jewish groups demanding their religious texts be distributed. better yet, just show up at the schools and start handing out to students… you can be sure that would be shut down real fast.
Can we stop the pernicious lie that “religion is under attack!”? Pretty please?? Firstly, the right to practice the religion of your choosing is pretty firmly stated in the First Amendment (yes, there is an Amendment before the Second, hard to grasp, I know) and secondly; these accusations are untrue. Unless, like this ignoramus, you confuse “religious liberty” with the right to discriminate against others who don’t believe in the same Invisible Man as you do…that’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works…
Yeah, hand out the Koran and see the hysteria over religious liberty then.
This all got enabled by the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision; the religious right thought, “At last, we can do and say whatever we want and whenever we want. We can tell anyone what to believe! If it’s part of our religion to tell you that you must believe what we believe, we now have permission to do so!”
Somebody sue these people!
I wonder how they’d feel if I started handing out “The God Delusion” or “The Demon-Haunted World”.
First, let’s start with the division of church and state, that prohibits you from peddling your superstitions in our public schools.
Second, religious liberty includes us not having your crap crammed down ours and our children’s throats.
What is it you bible zealots don’t understand and the first amendment?
I can’t wait to see his reaction when some teacher starts passing out copies of the Quran…
or the Book of Mormon…
or the Guru Granth Sahib…
or the Tao Te Chin…
or the Bhagavad Gita …
or the Satanic Bible …
or the Mabinogion…
or the Egyptian Book of the Dead…
or the Sutras…
or the Jain Agamas…
or Dianetics…
or the Kojiki…
or the Wiccan Book of Shadows …
or the Yoruba Odù Ifá…
or …
I’m sure he would be jumping up to defend “religious liberty” against “attacks” when a teacher starts passing out those non-Christian works to the good children of Oklahoma…
My favorite quote:
Civilization will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest."- Emile Zola
One does not need priests or mega million tax exempt churches to practice your faith.
In THEORY, sure. Just not in OKLAHOMA.
Here in New York, we are lucky to have a lot more religious freedom than some of these other states. For example, I can buy a bible in any book store. I can get one from church or Amazon, or steal it from a hotel. People who want to distribute them more widely can use this other great thing we have here called the US Postal Service. I feel sorry for those with less religious freedom than we enjoy here.