Fracking oilygarchs…
These grifting fks really take your breath away. They spend BILLIONS trying to convince the world there is no such thing and then try to recoup their losses when the Republicans are in power.
“to shield some of the crown jewels of the petroleum industry, which is
blamed for contributing to global warming and now wants the federal
government to build safeguards against the consequences of it.”
Hi AP - thank you for not putting “sometimes” in front of the passive sentence “which is blamed” - that’s the kind of fiery journalistic fact telling that I’ve come to expect from you. Keep up the mediocrity.
This entire article, without the word “chutzpah” even once?
HELL to the NO
Fuck the oil industry.
Protect us from the thing we don’t want people to believe exists!
No oilygarchs, you spend YOUR billions to move your precious shit. And we will be watching, if any of it is done wrong or befouls anything else we are going to mop it up with your toupees and pass it thru a bio-digester (you!)
Yet people on food stamps are what drives the deficit through the roof!
Everybody knows the rising seas are the fault of the DNC, ACORN, and liberal tears. Duh.
Bitch all you want, but this makes more sense from a national security perspective than that stupid border wall.
Like it or not, this country still needs the petrochemical infrastructure that’s situated along the Texas Gulf Coast – whether for agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, what have you – and will for the foreseeable future.
This is, in effect, an additional gas tax on the order of 10 cents a gallon. Only not visible at the pump and not traceable to the oil companies.
Zinke will get right on it.
Why should taxpayers foot the bill to protect the oil industry from something the oil industry claims doesn’t exist?
Even if the funds were to be appropriated, they will start with barriers to protect the refineries and only the refineries. Once they’re completed, Texas will suddenly find itself out of money for the project, leaving ordinary Texans to drown.
Especially if Trump takes us to war.
“but it also has another priority — to shield some of the crown jewels of the petroleum industry, which is blamed for contributing to global warming and now wants the federal government to build safeguards against the consequences of it.”
previously on “The Donald Trump Show”
previously on “Philly Summer”
You have to be a Yoga master to be able to twist yourself into the logical knots required to both lobby against the idea of man-made climate change, for the idea of free markets with little or no government interference , and for government-funded infrastructure to protect private business.
In Free Market-speak, these businesses chose to locate in these flood-prone areas knowing the risks of flooding. Over the years, they chose to not build out the necessary infrastructure required to deal with more frequent big storms. Now they are expecting the very government they regularly fight to build costly infrastructure, instead of using some of their profits to protect their facilities.
Probably wouldn’t have a big problem with seawalls, if the guys who now need them built, didn’t have an representative (Trump) tamp down its importance to a poor Virginia community’s survival.
Before any taxpayer funds are applied to this enterprise, I would first demand two things from these goddam oil companies. One, that they cease paying academic stooges who publicly claim that climate change is a myth, and two, that they fund public service announcements that state that these same companies wrongly supported anti-climate change propaganda and they know realize that they were wrong to do so.