Discussion: Ohio's Top GOP Election Official Calls Trump's Rigging Rhetoric 'Irresponsible'

Democrats need to get on this–most governors are (sadly) Republican. Many secretaries of state–the people who generally regulate elections–are Republican. For the election to be rigged, either they would have to be in on it, or they would have to be hoodwinked. Husted will not be the last Republican to affirm that there’s no rigging, but it’s important that Democrats push for these declarations, before Election Day.


Forgive me. But the fact that this lying slime bag is criticizing Trump almost makes me like Trump a little bit more.


And Husted ought to know about rigging elections. :smiling_imp:


The GOP has been using secretary-of-state and other election-related positions to rig, erm, tilt the outcome of elections for decades. So mostly he’s trying to deflect attention from his own behavior. (IIRC it was one of his republican predecessors who instructed workers to reject all voter registrations not printed on precisely the right weight of paper.)

(FWIW I think there’s a slight distinction between the kind of rigging that HO is talking about and the kind of rigging that republican officials do. His Orangness is talking about simply falsifying results to get to the final total you want; the GOP method is to put a thumb on the scale and hope it’s enough – and then to put another thumb on in the next election.)


but he’s going to vote for Trump anyway. Fucking idiot.


Trump: Election is rigged because Husted is suppressing votes. He has suppressed so many Democrats and all of those were going to vote for me.


Right, all those Sanders people he thought would come running into his arms, the dumb son of a bitch.


The irony of a Republican like Trump talking about rigged elections when Republicans like Husted or Kobach are the ones trying to rig them is almost too much to bear.


Husted is a real crazy. He hasn’t been in the limelight as much as Kobach in recent times, but he’s just as certifiable.


Republicans are world champions of projection


It´s become bizarre.

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So, you intend to vote for him after all? Since we know that no one is going to see you mark “Hillary Clinton”, we have to take you at your word and point out that you just deflated your own argument by insisting that you’re going to vote for the guy who all for pushing what you claim is wrong.

In other words, a typical GOP voter.

Yes, but imagine the outrage and further fueling of the “rigged” claim if he said otherwise.


Just Google
Jon Husted Voter Rig
About 14,500 results (0.74 seconds)
Going back to 2012 . He has been stopped by the courts several times

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If you are supporting the candidate even after all his crap you own all of his crap. It is nice that this guy says that Trump is wrong about rigging the election but what about all the other nonsense that Trump spews? If you vote for it you are responsible for it.

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Hillary Clinton has a 90% chance of winning. fivethirtyeight.com has her chance at 87%. Predictwise.com has her chance at 91%. Sabato’s Crystal Ball has her getting 341 EVs.

NYT: Updated Monday, October 17 at 10:04 AM ET


Hillary Clinton

Donald J. Trump


PUSH BACK, Dems. IF there was all this fraud ‘happening’ it would be due to REPUBLICAN CONTROL in many states. USE THE ARGUMENT!!!


And Trump has a 100 percent chance of continuing to run his idiot mouth and drive down his poll numbers and enthusiasm, which will send him into further talking frenzies further driving down his numbers and so on.


For trump it’s a pathology he plays out again and again

This is a classic example of where Trump begins to demonstrate something he talks about all the time today, which is he’s a counterpuncher. So somebody comes after him and says that he’s done something nefarious and horrible, and he just goes back at them with all guns blazing — you know, boom, boom, boom. And admits nothing, never admit anything, never say you made a mistake, just keep coming.

And if you lose, declare victory. And that’s exactly what happened there. He lost as clearly as you could lose but he loudly proclaimed his victory.”

This quotation comes from Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Donald Trump’s book, “The Art of the Deal.” Schwartz is talking about Trump’s response to a 1970s lawsuit against his company for refusing to rent apartments to African-Americans.
But of course the description also applies to so much else — including Trump’s support for the Iraq War, his “birther” conspiracy theory, his refusal to release tax returns and, most recently, his history of sexual assault.