Discussion: Ohio Governor Signs Severely Anti-Abortion Fetal Heartbeat Bill Into Law

Right?! What if she went to King’s Island (amusement park) knowing she was pregnant? Is it involuntary manslaughter? What about if she had a really tough work out at the gym because she was trying to get her body in fighting shape for her pregnancy but wound up miscarrying? How do we punish her?


I’d bet you that more women are concerned about it than men, however.

As I said elsewhere…

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Yes, yes, yes, yes, & yes…

What many folks seem to forget is the rules create liability for doctors. These discourage even ‘legal’ (under repressive laws) actions. That, more than the narrow statutes, is the fundamental harm.

For example, consider parental notification laws. You might think it is no problem if doctors only perform abortions for adults. But under the law, doctors have a huge liability to ensure patients are adults. So they have more deeply serious consequence for accepting a fake ID than the lap-dance joint down the street. Result, the doctors just get out of the business since they cannot safely serve even ‘legal’ clients without significant risk.

The ‘rape & incest’ loopholes sound reasonable to some. But what mechanism do you institute to ensure that?

In the end, you let women control their bodies or you do not. All the hedges are merely traps.

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Holy Christ! The Governor of Ohio is Orville Redenbacher’s evil clone.


Pardon me?

The government is mandating the penetration of human bodies for its ideology?

Life begins at birth.


Lord, no! Only the penetration of women’s bodies!

Hey, they are used to it, what is the problem?

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If the young go, so will the Corp. HQ of Kroger and P&G. Gov Cuomo will be on the first flight to Cincinnati if Roe is reversed.

Absolutely. Women are uniquely privileged and uniquely burdened to be the ones who conceive, carry, and bear the children. I’m a father, so I’ve been an observer only, but there can be no doubt that carrying children is an enormous physical, mental, and emotional task 24 hours a day with no option for time off. Evolution has driven fetuses to demand as much from a woman’s body as her body is willing and able to give. There is no guarantee of a positive outcome for mother or fetus.

Natural genetic variation, environmental influences, unfortunate combinations of parental genes, and so on mean that a conception can result in cells that don’t develop into a fetus, try to develop in the wrong place in the mother’s body, stress the mother’s body to the point of lasting damage or even threat to her life, develop with impaired or missing structures or organs, develop into children that will have only brief and painful lives outside the womb, develop into children that will need a lifetime of special medical care, or develop into children that will need care that most parents cannot adequately provide without outside support and training. Women don’t get to choose the path that begins with conception.

Nobody has the right to tell a woman that she rolled the dice and has to live with the consequences because she “allowed” a sperm cell to fertilize an egg inside her. Most especially, not men who will never be forced by the state to serve as incubators against their will.


I realize I’m proposing the crippling of the transvaginal ultrasound industry, but think of how much quieter it’ll be without all that sound ; - )

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Have yet to detect a heartbeat in any conservative who worships fertility gods called The Unborn. We need to abort all of them before they repent and Jesus gives them another chance.

Meanwhile in Texas: adamantly pro-life GOP legislator refuses to advance out of committee a bill that would potentially subject women to the death penalty if they have an abortion, because he believes that is too extreme.

And, is immediately subjected to credible death threats himself.

Similarly, last week GOP legislators were spooked into withdrawing a “constitutional carry” bill that would eliminate the need for gun licenses, when armed supporters started showing up to their houses.

For some reason Texas doesn’t seem to want to be on the extreme edge of the crazy right now.

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As a former Ohioan, I left the state because I saw this right-wing craziness coming. It wasn’t uncommon for me to run into other Midwestern let’s who also fled to the coasts for similar reasons.

Or why don’t they advocate for a fetal or blastocyst tax credit. You could imagine couples at tax time. “Honey when was junior conceived?” “Was it that night after Colbert?” “Or at the weekend beach house?”

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"… I don’t see how Republicans see this as a winner…?

They’re trying to get it to the SCOTUS to overturn Roe.
And with the current makeup of the CT, good chance the will.

The gang of five is drooling.

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This guy has been on the government dole his whole life. When he and Voinovich were in the Senate they NEVER were rated above the bottom five. He was always the little puppy dog behind barking with the big dogs. He knows this law will never pass the courts. But full steam ahead to comtinue grifting.

Maybe Roberts will vote against it too even if Brett won’t. Damn you Susan Collins!

I’m doing my part for now. :slight_smile: I moved to Virginia before it became fairly reliably blue, and I’ve recently relocated to Ohio. I have no freaking clue why I thought it was a good idea to move here, but I will fucking vote with all my might.