Discussion: Ohio Governor Signs Severely Anti-Abortion Fetal Heartbeat Bill Into Law

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How could we have ever forgotten the transvaginal ultrasound probes. Will all menstruating women be required to go to their nearest TUP clinic 5 weeks after intercourse?


“Victory!” exclaimed Faith2Action…

Just look at that fine specimen of patriarchal manhood!

No doubt daydreaming of all the Handmaids lined up to birth his full quiver.

(“May the Lord bless his atrophied prostate, for ever and ever, amen.”)

He and Commander Kavanaugh will surely award Sen. Collins (R-Back Alley) et al. the Order of Gilead.

Complete with Gold Service tassel and Coathanger cluster!


You silly little putz…get your nasty head out of women’s vaginas…stat.

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Naw, that’s the smug look of, “Hey, we figured out how to empty our States of any Liberals, by making them into right-wing dreams devoid of liberties, thus solidifying our hold on those valuable Senate seats”


Originally Ohio Right to Life was not keen on the bill. But Janet Porter of Faith2Action. shamed them into it.

Remember her? She traveled to support Roy Moore.


This is really strategically stupid on Republican’s part…Americans are in favor of legal abortion, especially in the first two trimesters, and in cases of maternal health, rape, and incest. Republicans keep passing bills like this that go against that, and are starting to say things openly against contraception (not a lot, but they slip up occasionally). There’s no upside politically to this…the conservatives in favor of this are dying off, young people are more liberal about this, and if they continue this way they will reverse the culture war against them as young and female Americans decide that Republicans can’t hold power. It doesn’t even help them now, the voters who are with them on this issue aren’t going to vote for Democrats, and most will vote no matter what.

I mean, it’s great that they are committing political suicide eventually, but all the pain they will cause along the way will just make things even worse. I don’t see how Republicans see this as a winner.


““I’m concerned that our kids are going to leave, that we’re going to lose a large amount of young people who don’t want to live in an oppressive atmosphere,””

I’ll say it again: the money of people like Soros and Steyer would be better spent paying people from safely blue states to to move to red states. It’s time to carpetbag this shit out of existence.


Because it is. They won in 2016 with a serial philanderer and molester, because of abortion.

Didn’t matter that he was pro-choice, and likely has paid for a few.

It was the promise that he would deliver them the Supreme Court seats to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The one-issue voters will do anything for that result.


This. Yes. Exactly. Just imagine if we could get San Francisco to send off a bunch of colorful, flaming gays to places like Utah and Wyoming… Don’t have to stay forever, just long enough to make the place colorful and take down their Senators.


The stage is already set at the Supreme Court. And now the Republicans in OH are using zugzwang to cause the ACLU to drive Roe v Wade all the way to Kavanaugh’s desk so he can kill it.

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.the conservatives in favor of this are dying off, young people are more liberal about this, and if they continue this way they will reverse the culture war against them as young and female Americans decide that Republicans can’t hold power.

But are there any Ohioans in the streets about this? That’s part of what this is about. Pushing the culture war envelope to see how far Rethugs can go before tearing everything apart. If there’s no pushback, the assumption is everyone is good to go with this.

2020 is certainly shaping up to be quite the election… Either Roe v. Wade (and Obamacare) will be history, and there will be massive upheaval and turmoil going into the election… Or they’ll be barely saved by Roberts, and the right-wing backlash will be something to see.

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I really wonder how concerned the far-left progressives care about this issue, especially the male contingent.

Not enough, I fear.


And yet Americans keep voting Republican majorities into their state Congresses, and tying it all up with a Republican governor for a bow. As long as folks vote these crazy bastards into power, these crazy bastards will rightfully assume that their crazy ideas are supported by the citizenry.

These forced-birthers are empty husks, inhuman, zombies into whom God’s breath has never passed. We need to give them the moral standing they’ve earned: none!


Don’t forget that gerrymandering has been a driver here. It certainly has in Michigan, where democrats are underrepresented in the state legislature. The fact that we just elected dems in the top leadership positions also supports that.


Remember, for much of the population, they’ve never known life without it being a Right.

I rather imagine that the Supremes overturning that would have an immediate and massive backlash that the Right is not anticipating.

It’s one thing when everyone’s tossing around these ridiculous heartbeat laws, knowing that they can’t enforce them while Roe v. Wade is out there. So it’s all hot air.

Another ball game entirely if it actually does make a difference.


Not very much, that’s for sure. It’ll remain an issue driven by right wingers straight to SCOTUS. Nor does the left want to talk about guns or the death penalty but affordable healthcare seems to be okay so far.

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It’s the war against Planned Parenthood that is hurting women right now.

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