Discussion: Ohio Governor Kasich Signs 20-Week Abortion Ban, Nixes 'Heartbeat' Bill

The measures are based on the assertion that fetuses can feel pain then

Brought to you by the same crowd that favors letting schools beat your children. Spare the rod…


This was the plan all along, but we are so dumb we never saw it coming.

When asked about what will be done with all the unwanted babies if abortion is outlawed (or effectively so via end-arounds), the typical response is “there will be more adoptions.”

But adoptions would have to increase by a factor of about 10, from about 100K to 1M. (the number of adoptions is actually more like 140,000 per year, but 40K of those are step-parents adopting their spouse’s children, which do nothing to affect the number of kids in foster care).

I really can’t imagine how they expect to get the adoption rate 10x higher than it is. And even if they could, I doubt that these bills are paired with aid to help families who don’t adopt out or those who do adopt.


I wonder if John’s been feeling well …

Somebody should take his temp. —

And not orally —


Of course, it also ignores the whole “back alley” side of the equation. They are already seeing the effects in Texas and other states with heavy-handed abortion restrictions. No matter how much these people want to “stop” abortions, they will not succeed. If necessary, it will simply go underground and lead to another host of problems. Problems history provides ample proof of and examples of what does and will occur if we go back down this road.


We need more reverse abortion. Only Jesus was successfully conceived that way.

This so-called “GOP moderate” signs no exceptions to rape or incest. What a guy!

The GOP will rue the day abortion gets sent back to the states. Roe V Wade has provided cover for every vapid GOP state hack for decades.

When the issue returns to states, their homes will be picketed, as well as their business offices. They will have no peace at all for a long time. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of hypocrites.


I try to respect strongly-held beliefs that are different than mine. However, I do not accept pro-lifers’ position unless they have already agreed to adopt a baby that is unwanted or unable to be cared for by the birth parents. It’s easy to say “I’m pro-life”, but if they really believe in that they need to put their money where their mouth is and raise one or two such kids.


These fucks don’t give a damn about the kid but they believe god and their voters care and they are scared shitless of them.



As a person who adopted a child and the husband of someone who worked at Planned Parenthood for many years, the greatest frustration with the rabid pro-lifers is they don’t seem to realize or care that every sane person wants to reduce the number of abortions performed. Being pro-choice does not equate to pro-abortion. But many if not most of these people are also against contraception, sex education and progressive pregnancy prevention programs and measures in our schools. It almost always boils down to misogyny and not wanting anyone anywhere to have sex for pleasure. Most of them are embarrassed to even talk about it. It is the worst kind of ignorance masquerading as Christian love and mercy.


@ottnot–Which, of course, teaches children that adults solve their problems best (especially their problems with children) through violence. This is exactly the lesson we want to teach children. /snark

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@antisachetdethe–Love the Golden/Fatted Calf reference–So true!

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“Kasich, an abortion-rights opponent,”
Much more accurate than, “Kasich, a pro-life Republican,” usually the terminology of choice from our “liberal” media.


Mississippi-on-Erie continues…my state is a national embarrassment politically


And guess who gets to nominate the Supreme Court Justice who could be the swing vote in deciding the Constitutionality of this monstrosity? A big thanks to all the people who told us that both Trump and Clinton were corrupt, and therefore, there was no difference between them.

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House Bill 493 (HB 493) was the six week “heartbeat” bill. I’m glad that was vetoed, but he decided to also justify his choice. Instead of, say, protecting women’s rights, his reason was to save Ohio tax payers money. And not have the 20-week bill affected by any court ruling from HB493. Ok then.

Similar legislation enacted in two other states has twice been declared unconstitutional by federal judges, and the Supreme Court declined to review those decisions. Because the federal courts are bound to follow the Supreme Court’s rulings on abortion, the amendment to Am. Sub. HB 493 will be struck down. The State of Ohio will be the losing party in that lawsuit and, as the losing party, the State of Ohio will be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to cover the legal fees for the pro-choice activists’ lawyers. Furthermore, such a defeat invites additional challenges to Ohio’s strong legal protections for unborn life. Therefore, this veto is in the public interest.
