Discussion: Ohio GOP Lawmaker Says VIP Seating At Pence Event Revoked Over A Tweet

The implosion continues.


“This is how they treat someone whose willing to come on board . I wonder how they treat people who are against them."

Just ask Kelly Ayotte.


How long before Mikey gets sick and tired of apologizing for, covering for and lying for Trump?


Trump is going to build the classiest gulags you ever saw. Problem is, the only occupants will be Trump and his cronies


The world’s first gilded gulags.


The man should just be happy that he dodged having to listen White Bread Dense blather on.


I’ve been wondering that. Could end up the first VP candidate to just up and quit like some burger-flipping kid who’s fed up with his loser jerk boss at McDonald’s.

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He is a bigger idiot than Trump.

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I figure it’ll be when he realizes 1) Donnie’s not going to drop out and he won’t become the default candidate and 2) when it is so clear that they are going down in flames that he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by saying “I don’t have to put up with this crap anymore.”

Of course, he doesn’t seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he may continue drinking the Koolaid to the bitter end.


If campaigns are illustrative of the candidates government, VP Pence will have to save time by having a email sign off. standard tweet, and even his calling cards printed with:

“I’m sorry! Really sorry!”


The seat was saved for a real supporter: Putin.

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Niraj Antani Sounds like a feringener to me . Where does he get off telling the truth
BTW Hey Reince hows that big tent thing working out for you? Got the draft of the next autopsy worked up yet?

Top Illinois GOP donor: Hope Trump is ‘humiliated’ on Election Day ‘’

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What? Trump getting payback against someone who he thinks disrespected him? Well, this will kill his chances for sure.

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As Bruce Willis said in Die Hard, “Welcome to the party, pal!”


Never. The chance to be President the easy way is just too tempting. He has to know this is probably his last election.

Or maybe not. He doesn’t seem very bright.

It takes awhile to learn how to goose step. I’m sure this asshole GOPer will learn. Its just a matter of time before they ask him to give the secret handshake.

He’s like a business who’s pissed because they got a bad yelp review. EXCEPT HE’S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT