Discussion for article #243345
real, honest dialogue
This phrase, like ‘born again Christian’, triggers my flight response…
In a rambling apology to the newspaper, Hastings insisted that he was
“venting” but that the country needs a “real, honest dialogue about
Actually THAT was the “honest dialogue.” Hope everyone is clear on what’s what now.
“[The] country needs a real, honest dialogue about race.”
One teensy-weensy suggestion regarding that “honest” dialogue, Mr. Mayor:
It should not include the phrase, “blacks have all but formally declared war on whites”.
Feel free to use that insight in future.
(You’re welcome!)
EVERY Trump campaign speech contains more xenophobic, racist bullshit than this Mayor’s Facebook rant. Yet Trump is adored by millions. Compare and contrast.
I’m betting you’re going to be sorrier, you posturing sack of shit.
“He was concerned about offending African-American Hillsboro residents.” Was he really, now? Why would they take offense at such a statement? I mean, it was “honest dialogue”!
Let me guess, Hillsboro is a mostly white suburb, right? And their public education system has been underfunded for years.
That would be correct. It’s horribly poor and suffers from a huge drug problem. Its development has always been driven by farming and some manufacturing, but that’s all been devastated over the years. It’s a podunk place and you have to drive for quite a while from any actual city to get to it.
This is the Mayor’s offical city photo on the their website. No one else in an offical city capacity said “Uh, no.” ?
Ohio here, I’m sure Trump is polling very well in Hillsboro
Hillsboro mayor Drew Hastings, a former stand-up comic,
Former ? ? ? The guy IS a joke —
Yeah Whites are blameless. Hmm mmm…yep. white cops shooting unarmed blacks didn’t happen…right? Time for a resignation after that apology Mr Mayor.
Hillsboro.LOL Black folks in the surrounding counties have been declaring war on whites alright, and they’ve apparently been doing so in the bedroom if the number of biracial babies running around Highland, Brown, and Clermont counties is any indication. You can’t swing a dead cat in that part of OH without slapping around a whole gang of Mocha babies.
Was that before he learned that the shooter / terrorist in CO was a white guy?
real, honest dialogue about race
This usually means they want everyone to agree that racism isn’t a real problem and that it’s the black’s race baiting that’s causing any and all division.
Which is city hall and the Mayor’s mansion? Does this town have indoor plumbing?
He’s got a point, you know.
He must have been a laugh riot doing fucking standup.