Discussion: Officials Find Undisclosed Hillary Clinton Emails

Discussion for article #241111

More “nothing to see here”. Of course,that won’t stop the Hillary haters among us,


This is old news. Clinton has already come out and said that these emails were not on her server and was stored somewhere else. She couldn’t have saved them if she didn’t have them.


I am still wondering what the “big” deal is about these emails.


So the Benghazi attack was in September 2012, and the Libyan uprising began in winter 2011, and we need to know about Hillary’s emails from January 2009 because… why?


You found mail on the mail server…


Fishing expedition.

This will the the theme of this year’s Superbowl halftime show. A dancer in a Donald Trump costume, with a left Hillary and a right Hillary, and a dancer in a Trey Gowdy costume coming out and chanting “Ben-Ben-Ben-ghazi” Max Headroom style.


These bozos never heard of “Reply” and “Forward” buttons that carry old email “chains” on to new email addresses?

The only “news” continues to be reporters (and some apparently hostile guvvies?) seeking to recycle tidbits of nothing into headline news.


This is infuriating. There’s no context here. Email was sent, email was received. Is there something nefarious going on? Is Hillary plotting with ISIS or Putin or planning a coup or an invasion? It’s like the woman herself once said, at this point, what difference does it make?


Man, the press really hates her. I wonder what she did to them…Donald Trump wants to fuck his own daughter, and Carly Fiorina is flat-out making shit up declaring that PP wants to harvest brains of living fetuses and the press is like, “Meh”. Meanwhile, HRC like every other person in their late 60’s can’t figure out how to fully deal with email and she’s some kind of Hitler. She must’ve crapped in the press-pool coffee machine…


A quick look around MSM websites tells me there’s no story about this crap anywhere else, but I didn’t look at WND so maybe it’s there. Did find this, however, the money men are telling Jeb! to shape up.


Yet again, waaaaaaay too much nuance involved here for the GOP/Teatrolls and MSM to be bothered with. This will get treated like another “smoking gun” incident when it’s decidedly not.


Blessings on all the sanity displayed in the comments, even if TPM is surrendering to media hype and still trying to make a scandal out of the precise details of an email account.

With all the massive issues facing the country and the world, is “What kind of email did Hillary use and when did she use it???” really the issue to decide a presidential campaign? (Not that, in the long run, I actually believe it will decide anything. This has too little substance to persist for another year… it will likely prove a pre-campaign side-show in the long run.)

They’re playing catch-up. This was “news” on Friday and over the weekend… but even the MSM seems kind of half-hearted about it. But yeah, TPM just gotta revive it, right?


Better buck up, young grasshopper. This is merely the first in a series of email stories/leaks that are going to go on through at least next November.

This is no way that the FBI recovering private emails does not result in them being leaked. If not from the FBI, then from someone at State, or someone from Intelligence or someone from Congress. The natural process that they will have to be subjected guarantees too wide of an audience sees them.

And, since they are out of her hands, there is not a damn thing she can do to stop it.

But just to clarify my point, EVERY SoS since Thomas Jefferson has determined which correspondence is private and what is a matter of public record. There is no “there” here. But because these are private (including this exchange), they will ALL eventually be aired to the public.

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I mean, seriously, “hear”???

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Young grasshopper? Okay.

And, of course, we won’t be told anything about eh SUBSTANCE of the emails, because that would just ruin the MSM bobbleheads’ tinfoil hatted speculation party.


There are a few things TPM does well, one is bring us an abundance of right wing world news, and the other is stories with no context, and this is the latter.


Because … Vince Foster.

I’ve not been shy about arguing that the private server was a dumb idea, and that HRC mishandled this issue from the start. But, man, this particular bit of information just seems absurdly innocuous. She desperately needs to get out of this cycle, where every single new email found that she has ever sent is interpreted as contributing to this “scandal.”


Yep. The word on the street is there is a lot of buyer’s remorse flowing through the early Bush donors. And current fund raising is woefully off pace.

There was a piece on DKos over the weekend, asking the question if Walker was a “victim” of his own superPAC…i.e. did the pac wag the dog, or did the dog wag the PAC? I disagree with that premise in regards to Walker (he was a crappy candidate with a crappy campaign manager), but I think Bush is highly exposed to that dynamic right now.

He went to such lengths to “coordinate” with this super PAC before he declared, to push the envelope on what can be done under CU, that his own campaign is relatively poor in comparison. The superPAC is in control of much of the traditional campaign apparatus, so much so, that if they want to wag the dog…they will.