Discussion: Office Of Special Counsel Reprimands Haley For Endorsing GOP Candidate


It’s OK. She’s apprenticing.


Some friendly advice Ambassador. Block Trump on Twitter and unfriend him on Facebook. Best way to stay out of trouble and Mueller’s crosshairs.

Believe me, you won’t miss a thing.


Careless and sloppy conduct is reprimandable for a Republican, which is all this would/ought to be in a vacuum. Of course, if this were a Clinton 45 appointee, it would cast clouds and shadows around her presidency and absolutely require Haley-prime’s resignation.


Next up: Sternly Worded Letter from the FEC

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They’ll be all Concerned and Disturbed


Outsourcing re-tweets to an Indian call center? How is this protecting 'Murrcan jobs?



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I am shocked, shocked I tell you! A member of the Trump administration breaking the law???

What is this country coming to? Oh yeah, the swamp thing, getting bigger and deeper, and more fetid.


Original artwork removed by author.


Sounds like it’s time for Trump to have funding for the OSC stripped from the budget.

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You left out “troubled”

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Pebent beat me to it. I was going to say they were ‘troubled’ and that caused them to send the sternly-worded letter.

It’s good to know the SWL is still alive and kicking. Haley won’t DARE do anything dicey now!

I don’t get it.

OSC said Haley’s personal Twitter account “gave the impression that she was acting in her official capacity when she used this account to retweet President Trump’s message” endorsing Norman, because the account “included so much indicia of her official role as Ambassador.”

So how is Trump not in violation of the Hatch Act every effing day? His @realDonaldTrump account says “45th President of the United States of America” and that’s the only thing in the bio/header. How does THAT not “give the impression he is acting in his official capacity”!

This is such a flimsy firewall. If you look at the @POTUS account, it is clearly operated by some communications staffer, but they also retweet the @realDonaldTrump account! They just pick and choose the mundane, generic patriotism and condolences tweets, and leave off all the terrible stuff.

Is the POTUS exempt from these laws or the ethics rules that other executive branch people have to follow? Or is he just in open violation and saying “what are you gonna do about it? Oh, that’s right. Nothing”.


I did in fact

Fer fuck’s sake, when is the “reprimanding” going to move on to “punishing”? Obviously, the strongly worded scoldings aren’t doing much, because these assholes keep doing the same thing.

She’s very, very sorry and promises to never do it again. Can i interest you in a large bridge between two boroughs of NYC? Perhaps some fine beachfront property just outside Kansas City??

Lock her up!

Actually, yes, he’s exempt. See the first sentence of the letter from OSC to Haley. “The Hatch Act restricts certain political activities of federal executive branch employees, except for the President and the Vice President.” (emphasis added)

This harpie thinks she will have a political career after Putin’s Bitch is in Prison. She puts up a good front like a company based in a garage renting limos. Putin got his Rubles worth … our State Department is decimated, our standing in the world is in tatters. Will be interesting to see what happens to this scum.