Discussion: Office Of Government Ethics Head Was Behind Trump Divestiture Tweetstorm

The director of the Office of Government Ethics himself was behind some pointed advice the federal agency gave President-elect Donald Trump about his business conflicts by way of its Twitter account in November, according to records obtained by NPR under a Freedom of Information Act request.

Twitter might very well be the only means of getting Chiselin’ Trump’s attention.


How will Trump be able to make foreign policy decisions if he can’t gauge what their effect on his business will be? I mean, what other basis does he have for deciding what America’s foreign policy should be?


It’s impossible to get a sociopath’s attention. By definition.


It sort of makes my day that this came from the top of the agency.


Need more like him. Someone needs to be chastising Donnie on his early assumption of the presidency and his involvement in foreign affairs.


One of these days, the rest of the world will figure out what those of us here already know:

You can’t tell Donald Trump anything. You might as well be speaking in a vacuum.


Hillary’s emails were a totally trumped up conspiracy by Republicans.

Obama produced a birth certificate and has released all of his tax filings - just like all Presidential candidates EXCEPT crooked Trump.

Trump is hiding a corrupt family run mafia business.

Make Trump release his taxes, birth certificates, draft records, college transcript and Melania’s papers!

Impeach the illegitimate (bastard) President elect. Trump - America’s bastard. Send him back to Germany - they know how to deal with Nazis.


“Trump has not decided to divest himself of his business interests to avoid conflicts once he takes office.”

“It was beautiful and simple – as all truly great swindles are.” – O. Henry


The director of the Office of Government Ethics

Or, as we will come to know it in 2017, the now-shuttered Office of Government Ethics.


Taking bets on how many tweetstorms Drumpf will undertake. I say 100.


On Inauguration Day? Or in the first 5 days?


If Trump hasn’t fully divested himself on Jan 20th, 1 minute after his swearing in, there better be a lawsuit, a congressional investigation and public pressure to impeach.


Ethics is totally overrated, just a huge scam for bureaucrats to create some cushy jobs for themselves. Great leaders like Trump would have never gotten where they are if they wasted their time on fluff stuff like ethics.

To make America great again you need no stinking ethics. Any red blooded American who voted for Trumps knows this by heart, why else would they have voted for him?


I think it’s a mistake to think that Trump supporters really believed that the emails were anything much in truth, any more than they believed any of the various conspiracies around her or Obama, any more than they would be convinced by evidence of Trump’s swindling any ineptitude. The outrage is real, but it’s cloaked in this disguise of fakery. It’s easier to be worked up over those than to confront the true prejudices and the uncomfortable truths about themselves (and of course Trump).


You can also go on CNN or Morning Joe.

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I am surprised the guy is still alive. I would think a cup of Putin’s Polonium laced tea would be in order.

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I’m thinking this expression will take on an expanded meaning in the days ahead.


Fucker is totally oblivious.
We see this over at Huffpost .
My mind …it boggles


For anyone else, this would have been disqualifying, but here’s the thing:

As someone noted above, this agency will be shuttered shortly after the inauguration. The concept of ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’ is becoming a stronger concept with every passing day. This administration will operate in complete secrecy for however long it lasts. All the nonsense his supporters fell for hook, line and sinker will never happen (draining the swamp, making America great again). The entire last six weeks is a house of cards that is doomed to collapse.

Now, if we could just get some media outlets to cover this honestly, it would end sooner rather than later. I think that is entirely too hopeful.

Let’s keep up whatever pressure we can, and leave 2016 behind…

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