Trumpanzees flinging their crap to see what sticks.
I don’t see that as sticking, as it’s most of the reason these guys want it so bad in the first place.
They could, you know, just keep Obamacare. That would be easy.
This is great, how Rs avoid talking about trumPPet, father and/or son. Cornyn on the repeal and replace bill should be ignored too.
“Not right now,” Senator Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania said.
“Talk to others about politics,” said Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, typically more willing than most Republicans to tweak the administration.
“He’s a very nice young man,” Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah said of the president’s son, insisting that he was simply “very dedicated to his father” and suggesting that the controversy “could be way overblown.
Back on Planet Earth the Democrats are saying
Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a member of the Intelligence Committee, argued that by Donald Trump Jr.’s own account of the meeting — or at least the latest one — “this was an attempt at collusion.”
Senator Christopher S. Murphy of Connecticut said that for a long time, “we saw a lot of smoke but no fire. Now, he said, “you’re seeing fire.”
Tim Kaine: “This is moving into perjury, false statements and even potentially treason.”
Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, dismissed any defense that Donald Trump Jr. was simply being politically naïve in taking the meeting. “Lying is not a rookie mistake,”
So, what’s the point of ramming this thing through at all if they’re not even getting their rich people tax cuts? Are there any senators who are going to like this bill now?
Majority Leader McConnell gets to claim victory on BCRA merely by proposing to move forward. Maybe he’s found a back channel to the House to make the taxes disappear in conference committee. He’s going to need the savings to re-distrubute for their tax reform package.
My bet is that 6 or 7 senators will see the taxes staying as some sort of tax increase, and won’t go for BCRA. Which leaves the ruling party one option left.
Throw up your hands, blame Obama, forget about funding the “risk corridor” and other payments needed to keep ACA running and, uh … blame Obama some more.
I see this as disincentive to my becoming a high earner.
And this survives the Freedumb Caucus how?
This is getting their camel’s nose inside the tent. After that it’s fait accompli–they can steal whatever they want.
Those tax and spend and spend and spend and spend Republicans at it again.
This must be McConnell’s way of letting it die a comfortable death.
Or expand Medicare for everybody
This sounds like total BS. This guy is a liar. Thats the whole point of the repeal. They are trying to invent other stories to distract from this week’s Russian collusion treason story. Good luck with that, bro.
The was my first thought too - if cutting these (actually pretty small) taxes on wealthy income was not the in the bill, then what was the point?
Ah - but they are maintaining all of the cuts to Medicare.
Kicking the needy! What Republican does not love that! That is a reward in itself.
Maybe they should convene some sort of panel.
The comfy chair death panel, perhaps?
They realize that killing Medicaid is the hard thing to do. Once this bill does that, the GOP leaders take on tax reform and eliminate the ACA-related taxes along with all the other changes.
This may game the CBO a bit? Killing medicare isn’t any more popular regardless.
Where is Grover Nordquist when you need him.