Discussion: Obamacare Repeal Bill Takes Another Step Forward, Passage Still In Doubt

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“pass” or “passage” is best used for final action by Congress on a bill. Committee work could be characterized as advancing a bill.


Considering that this bill would be a huge step backward, I’m reluctant to use the word “advancing” in any context associated with it.


No surprise. On another note, the proper adjectival form of the word is “DemocratIC,” please do not fall into the GOP/Frank Luntz trap of using the word “Democrat.” That is a noun. /end grammar rant. “Democratic” members…


Ryan really wants this turd sandwich put to a floor vote, huh?


Ummmm…It’s Rep GARY Palmer, not Rep. DAVID Gary Palmer as you have in the story.

While I dislike copyeditors in general for their propensity to get too big for their britches, they ARE necessary in cases like this.

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Which is really bizarre. I don’t think he even has the votes in the House, and by forcing the bill to the floor he is pissing off GOPers to his right AND left…not to mention every Democrat, which he has already admitted he will need their help for “future phases” (which btw, on a tangent…this phased approach is complete bullshit. There was never any discussion of a phased approach, until Ryan started taking on water. Then they started producing several different versions of what the phased approach is. And I guarantee you that the majority of GOPers in Congress will have ZERO stomach for going through 3 phases of healthcare debates…especially after this).

But perhaps more importantly, he has to know that this bill is completely unworkable once they remove the charge for not having coverage for 60 days. Removing that piece should bounce the whole thing back to the CBO…because the number of people losing healthcare will greatly increase and premiums will go through the roof. It completely morphs the entire concept of insurance…it no longer is insurance, its just buying a gate key to get access to a doctor after you get sick or injured.

So, IMO, we have moved beyond the bill being DOA to Ryan is in the process of slitting his own throat politically.


I assume each member of the committee was given the opportunity to make a statement prior to the vote. If that typical procedure was followed today, then the Democrats forfeited their individual opportnities to make a coordinated attack on the bill. And if the Republican chairman tried to stifle these comments, then that would have been a big story, in-and-of-itself, and the Democratic members could have held their own subsequent “hearing” to make them. Either way, a total failure of political strategy and political will. Another example of why the Democrats are so politically incompetent.

From today’s Financial Times.


How about a work requirement for members of Congress? Like they must hold session at least 5 days out of every week and they are limited to no more than 4 weeks recess/year?


But consider the huge tax cut for the rich.


If you’re correct on this point then it’s time to reprise the Obama aphorism “Please proceed, governor.”


“Obamacare Repeal Bill Takes Another Step Forward, Passage Still In Doubt”

Why do I have this funny feeling that the media will still be saying “troubled bill faces uncertain, doubtful future” even as Dumblefuck is signing it and grinning?

Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.


Normally that’s true, but most of the time that’s on issues that the average Joe doesn’t really care about-debt ceiling, budgets, etc. The average Joe cares very much about their health care and these congresscritters know it.


Any democrat or republican voting for Trumpcare will have to live with it for decades. Democrats will run against every republican on healthcare for decades to come just like republicans did against democrats. Obamacare is more popular than Trump, republicans in congress and it would be like taking social security or Medicare away from Americans.

Now is the time – RIGHT NOW – that Democrats should put forward a “Medicare for all” bill. To drive a stake into the heart of the beast.


“Please proceed, VP candidate who couldn’t win his hometown/state for the ticket.”

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I’m not sure members of the Republic Party would agree.

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Touché! I have long believed we should adopt this construction, but then we are just falling to their childish level. How about “Corporatist Party”?

Let me guess – you have the last two sentences set up as boilerplate, and it doesn’t really matter what you have up above them.