“One of the lessons we learned from this process is to let it be slow and deliberate and give everyone a chance to try to bring their ideas to the table,”
It doesn’t seem to me that you’ve learned anything at all.
Please proceed.
What’s that old saying about the definition of stupidity?
Regardless, there’s a picture of Drumpf beside it in the dictionary.
Learn? When their sole objective is a permanent Republican majority and ruin everyone’s safety and very lives you know they have no intention to learn anything.
When you are going in the wrong direction, speed is usually not the critical issue. Even so, Warp 5 probably is overdoing it even for the Republicans.
I know its cliche’ to say…Wash, Rinse, Repeat…but if ever there was a phrase that comes to mind before one’s had their first morning cup of coffee, there it is.
After what was it? Sixty-odd votes to repeal the ACA this has become a conditioned response. They can’t help themselves. Like Pavlov’s puppies - say the word Healthcare, and the yapping begins. (Also drooling, but we needn’t dwell on that.)
I’m sorry, but I see no evidence that Trump is a great negotiator in business, let alone in government. None whatsoever. His argument is that he was able to buy certain properties. Yes he was, but all that proves is that he was willing to pay more than other potential buyers at the time.
Expecting the GOP to formulate policy for the collective, redistributive concepts of insurance pools, is like hiring an acrophobic to be your mountaineering guide.
The problem isn’t the Freedom Caucus or the moderates, it’s the American people who hated the first bill and won’t like this one any better. Asking members to vote for this turkey is asking them to join a suicide pact.
Bring on the town halls during Easter recess.
These numbskulls have to be reminded, especially in light of the increasing approval of ACA by the polled citizens, that messing around with the ACA is a really, really, really bad idea. Seriously bad.
The one that comes to me is something about old dogs and new tricks.
Before agreeing that the Repubs haven’t yet figured out that they’re doomed if they keep cutting back on health benefits to pacify the implacable Freedom Caucus, I want to comment on the TPM article.
Over the past several months, Josh has brought in reporters who are simply outstanding. This piece, by Alice Ollstein (whose name I don’t think I’ve seen before) is well-reported and well-written. Esme Cribb and Kristin Salaky are two others who produce highly informative stuff.
Well done, TPM.
And now this: I would feel sorry for the Repubs if they had an ounce of scruples. Fortunately, or whatever, they don’t.
Though lawmakers said they were promised by the White House that waivers would “more-than-likely” be granted to any state that applied, Gohmert warned that a future president may be less amendable.
Don’t know whether the reporter had a slip-up and meant “amenable”, or Deacon Louie let the mask slip for a moment
Of course they haven’t because they never think they’re wrong. It’s all on those mean old Democrats and constituents who don’t know what’s good for them. This era of their party is going to go down in history as one filled with headless chickens
.“This piece, by Alice Ollstein (whose name I don’t think I’ve seen before) is well-reported and well-written.”
Ollstein is new but this is not her first article. All of her stuff that I’ve read thus far has been of equally high quality. She’s definitely a good one.
Trump is a great negotiator. And I’m a gazillionnaire with a yacht in Monaco…
OK everyone up thread has expressed my feelings on what they are trying to do-shoot themselves in the foot again.
What comment that blew me away was: "Following the conference meeting, Freedom Caucus member Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) complained the proposal preserves a troubling power dynamic.
“The federal government is the big boss and we may throw some crumbs to the states,” he told reporters. “The states shouldn’t have to ask the federal government for waiver. The federal government should have to ask states for permission."
This, this is my window now into the crazy mixed up world of the Freedom Caucus. When did the 50 states become 50 separate fiefdoms, or is this just a Texan domestic view?
…but allowing states to apply for waivers permitting insurance plans that don’t cover things like maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health, and addiction treatment.
Wait a minute… I thought Hair Furor was all about solving the horrors of addiction - especially opioids! He even made the world’s biggest sub his addiction tzar. It’s almost like they don’t actually care about people. Well, you know, people-people – they LOVE corporation-people.
That’s the states’ rights people for you. The Federal government should be responsible for defense and foreign relations – that’s about it