Many Kentucky Obamacare recipients voted for this clown.
Racism mattered more than their health. Let them die.
Hmm. Has anyone noticed that the group of Republicans that say that we need a replacement plan is really big?
Has anyone also noticed that the group of Republicans who say they have a replacement plan has no members?
Whose plan are they awaiting?
And the Republican come up with a replacement that looks like this
it might not be terrible
However … it is highly likely likely that at best, it ends up looking like
Matt, just yesterday, your Senator Rand Paul promised the replacement bill tomorrow.
The new healthcare plan includes, includes, for EVERY American… a box of Walmart brand generic band-aids, a bottle of 100 350 mg. Rite-Aid aspirin, a bottle of 20% rubbing alcohol, and a BIG tube of KJ Jelly!
Indeed…they’ll promise this…
But deliver this…
And they’ll STILL get the fucking math wrong.
PS: Yes, yes I did do a Google search for “abacus on wheels” hahahaha
Meanwhile at the CBO…
Whoa there. These folks will be left high and dry with no alternative health care. They’re to be pitied rather than condemned.
It’s what they voted for. Death is too good for them. They sold their country down the river. I won’t care for people who care so little for themselves, their children, or their country.
I’m beginning to seriously think that their “replacement” will end up being very similar to what currently exists. They’ll end up writing some bullshit, which essentially says the same thing as what we have, and pass it.
Then they’ll claim they saved the day.
“So to that end, I think there are people wanting to not over-promise and then end up under-delivering."
I’m thinking that horse left the barn a long time ago.
Who will feel the most heat the state legislators, who Lamar wants to take over health care or the Congresscritters who have no clue still how to replace what we have?
Gee, another hypocritical Republican politician; who’da thunk it? Color me shocked.
Maybe they can just replace Obamacare with the ACA and everyone will be happy.
“Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin ® said Tuesday that Obamacare should only be repealed if it can simultaneously be replaced, despite being the first governor to dismantle his own state’s health care exchange, in 2016.”
I mean, FFS, come on people. These are the most ridiculous people on the planet. Well, second to those who vote for them. This is ludicrous. " I wanna cry but I gotta laugh".
The unicorn plan?
@overthefall96–“Let them die.” That was one of those chants that the Rs like so much–They used it several years ago in various venues during the ACA debate. We are better than that.
let everybody in that inbreeding hell hole that forced mitch mcconnell upon america die WGAF
you forgot the coat hangar