Discussion: Obamacare Architect On Revealed Video: 'It Was Just A Mistake'

Discussion for article #225555

Remember when Mitt Romney’s campaign would parse every utterance, eliminate the context, then spend days and days trying to convince the media that Obama had committed an epic gaffe that would end his chances of being re-elected?

This is the same thing.


The 4 dissenters in the prior SCrOTUS case already stated that the subsidies would apply to everyone and described in detail the mechanism and importance.

That wouldn’t stop those craven fucks from turning on a dime to hurt Obama, but it’s right there in writing.


In other words:

“We write laws to say something, get them passed, then change the meaning of these laws via “interpretation” by favorable courts to mean whatever we feel is appropriate at the moment.”

Continuing with the news about Obamacare there’s this latest terrible development:


It’s socialism! Send the national guard to stop this outrage!


There are many ways of discerning legislative intent in determining how to make a judicial ruling interpreting a law. None of them involve parsing remarks made by people who have never been legislators made many, many months after the law in question was passed.



You’re not very good at this, and you should quit while you’re behind.


The states that didn’t expand Medicaid have to continue to pay taxes for the states that did expand. The states were intentionally screwing their citizens. The tax credit is something that applies regardless of Medicaid expansion.

This argument remind me of Christine O’Donnell when she pointed out that the WORDS “separation of church and state” were not written in the Constitution so ‘technically’ there is no separation of the two.


Thank you for this.

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Is the Court going use what the Congress intended as the determining factor? That how it should be. They just have to ask Congress


Republicans know there are no mistakes – only grand conspiracies that span galaxies.


It seems to me that Gruber was saying in 2012 that if the feds did not have their substitute “state exchanges” ready, there would be a chronological gap in readiness to provide subsidies, referring to subsidies that clearly were provided for in the law. I see nothing, nothing at all in his 2012 statements that support the recent DC Circuit Court interpretation.


Is it really so hard to admit that he might have misspoke? Here’s how it is done:

Q: “Didn’t you say X before?”
A: “I don’t recall that I did say X, however, if I did, I was mistaken. Y is correct.”

It’s better than err, oh, it is like a typo… Duh.


I wouldn’t imagine the mind would tend to wander after discussing an issue as riveting as health care policy day after day for years and years. I just can’t imagine.

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I blame politicians like John Conyers for this mess. Conyers said, “I love these members that get up and say ‘read the bill.’ What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”

Also, there is no separation of mosque and state, or of synagogue and state, so the SCrOTUS should be funding government synagogues and mosques.

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Glad to absorb his mistake here, pre existing condition and now covered with the top tier Blue Shield offering.


The sentence in the law about subsidies made available to insurance exchanges established by the state does NOT include the word “only”, and doesn’t mention the federal exchanges at all. If you want to get picky and litigious over parsing sentences, it works the other way, too. There’s nothing in the law that rules out subsidies for those getting insurance through federal exchanges. The law probably doesn’t say it explicitly because it kind of goes without saying to anyone who’s not an idiot or a deranged Obama hater, which I gather from your screen name, you are.


Good girl. Thanks for posting

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