Discussion: Obama:

Amen. The DC Circuit’s decisions on the President’s executive orders now loom much larger. It looks to me like 4-4 SCOTUS votes on those for the foreseeable future, and that means the Circuit decisions stand.

It’s embarrassing that this is anything other than a foregone conclusion.

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May I suggest that Obama nominate Bernie Sanders.

And so, despite the kneejerk reaction by McConnell et al on the right, they may want to put some more thought into this.
It’s pretty much a lose/lose/lose for them unless they eked out a win in November, which is always a worry but not realistic considering the schmoes that they have running.
If they wait and let one of Hillary’s first official duties be to nominate an SC Judge, she will make their lives hell.
No, they’re better to start their obstruction now, lose, then move on with some weak excuse that at least they tried.

Scalia, as divisive as he was, just did us lefties a great service and for that, I applaud him on his way out.

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I’ll second that emotion. So will Smokey.

Too cool.
But I got to say that that version is a bit to up tempo and rushed. Maybe they had time restrictions?

I’d like to see it sort of bluesed(?) down or with a bit more of a romantic feel.
And yeah, Smokey was the shit.

I know it’s killing them, but until January 2017 BO is still POTUS. Please stop trying to test his manhood.


The GOP will be responsible for political blackmail - they will continue to delay and obstruct. The solution is for Dems to vote like our lives depend on it, because it does!

The letter I just wrote to Obama on whitehouse.gov contact.

Dear Bam Bam,

Recess appointment. Neal Katyal or another highly qualified liberal Justice of your choice. Just do it. You know what those malcontents will do if you don’t.

Best regards,


Feel free to write that letter too!

What incentive to Republicans have to go through with the nomination process? What leverage do Dems possess to make that happen?

Once again, the President has more class than every Republican combined.


After all these terrified pols have put the most deserving and steadfast president in generations through, they deserve this one as if by divine justice. Good riddance to the one trick turtle. One lesson that could be learned from PBO is that acceptance and inclusion trumps any attempts to control.


Here’s the thing. The Republicans really don’t want to filibuster the nomination. That would play horribly to the part of the public that isn’t already a right-wing extremist. It’s possible that someone like Cruz will show up and deliver some ridiculous filibuster speech to stall in an effort to support his primary campaign, but for the rest of them it would just look terrible. What they want to do is make sure that any nominee doesn’t get the 50 votes necessary for a filibuster to become relevant.

IMO the way around that is for the Dems to pick a half dozen republican senators who are vulnerable in the next two election cycles. As soon as it looks like the foot-dragging has commenced on the nomination, start running ads in their districts. “One of the most serious duties of any Senator is to vote for the appointment of justices to our Supreme Court. Senator Repub refuses to conduct his duties according to the Constitution. Why, Senator? Why do you refuse to allow this supremely qualified judge fill the vacancy?”. I couldn’t speak to the exact timing of it, but hammer a few of these guys for obstructionism, and keep it up until the election if necessary. It won’t take that many voting for a nominee to push into filibuster territory, and quite frankly if the Senate sustains that for any length of time it’s a huge gift for the Democrats going into the elections.

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Reading between the lines, it sounds like their litmus test is “must be nominated by a Republican President”. :unamused:


The irony of this is not lost on the world…

Just on those who have fully integrated with their violently raging cognitive dissonance, or those who live immersed in a titanium reinforced bubble filled with closed feedback loops.

Or as we all call them, “the typical Fox News viewers”.


It won’t hurt Republicans in the sense that Republicans fully agree with it.

It will, however, FIRE THE HELL UP any folks who realized just how truly fucked up what McConnell said is.

I just committed to double-down on what I was already doing for this election. The stakes could not be higher.



This is no time for another session of “No Drama Obama,”

Obama should immediately name Elizabeth Warren as his nominee, and then shove it up The Repulsive Party’s collective ass.

Democratic elected officials should make it their only issue until the election.

Now that this disgusting conservative legal thug has had the decency to die (I almost wet myself when I heard), this is the chance of a lifetime to assist the Repulsive Party in destroying themselves.

Basically, Democrats should take a page from Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trump’s playbook. Talk over everyone else’s comments with the obstructionism of the Repulsive Party as the only subject.

Obama needs to make this the signature issue of the century.

Phlung! Rally the unwashed masses, it’s going to be a barn-burner at the OK-corral. The diabolic intellect of Ted Cruz crosses path with the fiery, revolutionary call of Bernie Sanders.

What a year 2016 is destined to be! Enlightenment or darkness…Haven’t even mentioned the middle, reasoned path of HRC.

BTW, love your post.

Please, God. Please have Obama nominate himself. The torrential downpour of GOP brain matter would be glorious.