Discussion for article #244448
AKA - something for the GOP to cry about.
One more dumb theatric by Obama!
Yawnnnnnnn yawnnnnnnnnn
And the GOP used the empty chair theatric at the 2012 convention… That was the weird Clint Eastwood fail. Somehow I think the SOTU setting will be more effective as a symbol.
Think of it as a translation device for the empathy impaired.
Clint wouldn’t win this debate either.
The Republicans should leave four seats empty for the Benghazi victims. Place U.S. flag behind each seat.
I was hoping it was Joe Wilson’s seat.
That would be the official STFU chair. (We’re looking at you, Repooplicans)
Insinuating that the victims of gun violence are un-American in some way.
If this was not poorly executed snark, it certainly is in bad taste.
So how much does this job pay?
If the emotional impact comes anywhere close to the military honoring their dead and missing, this will count as the day the NRA, led by little Wayne, lost.
If the president were to order an empty chair for each of this year’s gun violence victims, the congress critters wouldn’t be able to get in, and that’s a good thing. No Rs sitting on their hands or calling out “You lie!”, no critters staring at their phones during parts of the speech, no Rs smirking, and no Dems doing victory jump ups in response to the above.
Wonder how many Congressional GOPers will smear their feces on it before the speech.
Clint Eastwood has a sad that his idea has been stolen.