Discussion: Obama Will Ask SCOTUS To Hear Case Challenging His Immigration Plan

Discussion for article #242691

The Supreme Court will, of course, rule on this sometime around January 2017. So, following that ruling, Obama will then be able to again use his Executive Orders when Congress refuses to do its job. What can go wrong with that?

I’m not sure if I’m reading your comment as you may intend it be read, but FWIW I agree that the SCOTUS will grant cert on the president’s request, not least because that’s always been what happens; that the hearing will be slotted into the first available opening from February 1, 2017 on, and that since Congress neglected to fund what the majority in the 2:1 decision opines to be the state of the law’ in issue here, no one’s going to be able to force Obama to enforce that view on ‘the law’ over the one the Office of Legal Council has come up with and he adopts.

Lemme put my swami hat on: the Great Avattoirini will now place the envelope against the bejeweled scarab over the pin holding my turban in place … I’m getting … a clear signal … that says … "R U fracking kidding me, Jerry Ed? PREZNIT POWER WINS!’

Since WWII broke out at least, the executive has always won cases like this. Because there’s no way a majority of SCOTUS will strip this power from the executive. I say, 6:3 with all the libs plus Alito and Thomas siding with the libs on this one, because each of the chief justice, Kennedy & Scalia need to get some credit for throwing a circus bone to the masses of the Base.