Discussion: Obama Warns That Isolationism Will Only Make The World 'Meaner'

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It’s going to be a rush to see how much Orange-bomb and susPence can do during the next two years. Un-fucking-believable.


Must stop reading Internet news, viewing TV. Must stop all contact with outside world.

Trump is certainly forcing me down the path of isolationism.


Except for this customary period, I don’t see the president advising the president elect that much in the future.

Of course, if that were to occur, the new question would then be could McConnell (or even Ryan) hold him in check.

Now everyone knows the current answer to the previous statement, but on (or even before) January 20, 2017, that answer will likely change again.


Trump: I agree. That’s why I’m going to declare war on Iran and send US ground troops to Syria, Yemen, and Libya. Flynn told me it’s a terrific idea. Giuliani’s on board, too. They told me to dust off Paul Bremer, but I’m going to put Eric and Don Jr. in charge of the Graft & Pillage Authority.

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Obama:Isolationism Will Only Make The World ‘Meaner’
GOP: Thats a great thing.
US Military: We are back in business. Perpetual Wars with rest of the world.
Trump: No worries, I will suspend the constitution. We are at war. Trumps will be US president forever.
Trump Nazis: This is great.

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‘Yeah yeah President Obama. We KNOW you are being smart and reasonable. However, we are uneducated rubes who are UNABLE to study history (FDR, WWII) and think it’s A-OK to ignore the world and just swagger. USA USA!’