Timing. Way to work the news cycle.
Now that’s a good boy.
The proper move. Allowing this would allow Iraqi families to sue the US for the Iraq War, the list of possibilities is endless. Once again, the mature and adult President.
The 9/11 Report has info on members of the Saudi Government who may have had a hand in assisting those who participated in 9/11. If there is proof of that, you got after those individuals criminally or sue them, not the government.
And Hillary is saying she would support it, and that is a lie. But I have no problem with a lie like that, the bill is popular with people and she needs as many votes as possible. But if she was President, she would veto it.
A congressional override is possible on this, but there will be a lot of pressure not to do it. It would be nice if that vote waited until after the elections in Nov.