Listened to this live on the drive this morning. It was perfect, especially his hit on Pence.
Trump has done one good thing by running for President - he has exposed the fundamental Christians and GOP to be complete frauds. Tony Perkins of FRC has doubled down on his backing of Trump and he now owns that for the rest of his life.
GOP: Sir Trump opened our eyes. We just like White Tyrants. We have always been comfortable in that role. A Kenyan Muslim would never know or appreciate.
I simply can’t wrap my head around the generation who grew up having “get under your desk” drills in grade school voting for Trump! They were raised to be highly suspicious of the Soviet Union, communism, demagogues, and autocratic rulers.
But I guess the brown people are scarier to them than having a president who would be Putin’s puppet.
Palin: Our family has fun when we see Putin’s Head in Alaskan sky.
“Mr. Trump rarely surprises me these days.”
One side effect of this appalling national emergency is that it sure brings out Barack’s funny side. He’s just the sublimest put-down artist we’ve had in the office since, I don’t know, FDR maybe. Or TR, for that matter.
Putin’s buddies hold all of Trump’s debt. There are NO banks in the USA that will do business with him any longer. In fact, the ONLY bank in the world doing business with Trump is Deutchebank (sp?) in Germany.
Trump isn’t fit to fetch coffee for the men protecting the men protecting the President.
“It’s quite a reversal. You’ll have to ask them how to explain it.”
Sputnik poisoning in their childhood.
<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/a/8/a83b9caebac94dd5354ec310a22f59b5bdbb0aa4.png" width="300" height="168">
Putin’s caught a falling star and put it in his pocket now both of them will fade away…
The question is, does the GOP know better?
It’s not 1950 anymore. Both chambers of Congress are filled to the brim with people like Louie Ghomert, Ron Johnson, Joni Ernst, Grassleys, McCains, Huelskamps, Farentholds, etc.
The GOP has been selling stupid for so long that many of the people they have elected are all-in with the stupids as well. They’re indistinguishable from their stupid voters.
I’ve posted this before, and I’ll post it again: the GOP never had a problem with Russia.
They only had a problem with socialism.
Had Stalin been a Tsarist, McCarthy would’ve praised his secret police, show trials, and gulags.
Had Khrushchev been a capitalist, Goldwater would’ve celebrated his crushing of the Prague Spring.
Had Brezhnev been a right-winger, Nixon would’ve toasted his invasion of Afghanistan.
To Republicans, “freedom” applies only to capital.
check out their ulterior motives…
Over at the Bob Cesca blog, Ashby has stated more than once that Paul Ryan’s reason to see Trump over at 1600 Pa is due to Trump giving the go ahead to ‘wreck’ the ACA.
Until they had their ‘split’, Ryan has grudgingly said that he had a problem with ‘Putin Love’. However when he has the chance to do, what Boehner failed to do; then yea, he will drink a toast to the supposedly greatest leader in the western world.
'Course, the “deplorable onez” would claim that this too is unfair coz BHO has way more practice owing to his considerable background engaging in competetive “trash-talking” contests with Bill Ayres, the Rev. Wright, and his holiness, Pope Francis.
Lovely thought, wish I could agree.
Points taken, irasdad, but I seriously doubt that the Trumperati rank and file has the critical thinking skills to understand nuance. Or history.
Great point. That’s a twist I never thought about. Of course, you are 100% right.