Discussion: Obama Trashes Trump: 'No Way To Rig An Election In A Country This Big'

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I feel good knowing private citizen Barack Obama will be working on the issue of gerrymandering and such. Not only is Obama almost always the adult in the room (except when Michelle is there, too) but he’s smart as hell and just as compassionate and fair-minded. Thank you, President Obama, for all these years you’ve dedicated to making this a more perfect union for us all, dude. We owe you.


I love you Barack Hussein Obama. You are a once in a lifetime and I am so glad you came along during mine. Gonna miss you something awful. Looking forward to all the good things you and Michelle will continue to do for this country post presidency.


Not to mention getting dems fired up to vote in the mid terms. He knows all to well how hard it is to govern when you have no help.


Which just gives you one more bit of proof that Marco seems to just care about hanging onto his job

Covering ALL the Florida bases, I see. You go, BHO.


Bravo, Mr. President for calling this fraudster out. I heard so many lies when watching just a portion of the debate last night, it made me sick. Drumpf is incapable of telling the truth, as he has to constantly reassure his insecure self that he is the biggest, baddest man to come down the pike. Secretary Clinton maintained her demeanor, acted like a professional and didn’t call out her opponent for his endless interruptions. Quite the spectacle; now it’s up to us, the voters to make sure Cheetoh Jesus get beaten soundly.


“Trashes” is putting it kindly / weakly, as Mr. President “tore him a new one”.

Dumpf now has three anal ports, instead of the two he started the day with.


"Because you notice the Donald is already whining that the vote’s going to be rigged before the game’s even over.”

That is because the orange one knows he’s losing, HUGELY! And bringing down the rest of the repuke party down with him!

Dems win the White House, check!

Take back the senate, check!

Take the house back too, check!


Even though I have very real concerns for election day and the few weeks following, I am really excited – I can’t wait to watch the numbers come in … nationally and state by state. As a Virginian, I’m extra specially interested in how the numbers play out here. I am looking forward to witnessing–and continuing to be a part of–Virginia going even bluer (for the third time) and send more Democrats to Washington … as well as turn Richmond more progressive.


The symbolism is just fantastic: Trump is not just losing, he’s losing to a woman and getting schooled by a much much smarter, harder working man who happens to be black. Bask in it, folks; it doesn’t get much better than this.


:grin: Dare I ask where the third one might be? His mouth is Obvious One #1.


POTUS: “I don’t know if Donald Trump has ever been to an actual polling place."

Can you imagine Trump voting?

He’d drag his entire entourage into the booth with him.

Like that cabin scene from “A Night At The Opera”…


Men at the peak of their potential productivity left behind. Men and women, frightened by uncertainty, preyed upon by power-seeking politicians, men and women who crave simplicity and wish for magic to create a secure future for themselves and their children in a frighteningly complex and terribly menacing world. Trump supporters. Not so much different from the rest of us. We need some remedies for everyone or more Trumps will emerge in this social media-driven, simultaneously bound too close to truth and yet potentially divorced from reality age. And reality will for sure bite all of us if we don’t.


I leave that to your vivid imagination, and a healthy dose of brain bleach.


Thank you President Obama. I have to say you will be missed. Obama has to be one of the most decent and fair minded person to ever hold that office. I do look forward to the next chapter in his life. Hopefully, President Clinton will still rely on him for advise.


And be asking someone to fill out the ballot for him…


Early voting has started here in Georgia and I voted for Hillary today. I’m a 61 year old white male, democrat, always have been. Hoping Georgia will turn blue this election.


Men and women who couldn’t and wouldn’t accept a black president because they really still resent integration; men and women who cannot bring themselves to accept the reality of our life here which is based on diversity and tolerance and they have none and what’s more they are proud of it.


And two duck eggs.


Post-Presidency activies:
Carter, Clinton, Obama vs. Reagan, Bush, Bush