Discussion: Obama To Voters: Step Up Or 'Things Can Get Worse'

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Step up or things can get worse

I imagine that now you realize that the time to ‘STEP UP’ was when you knew that the Russians were aiding Trump. There is no doubt that you were right … things most definitely did get worse… But look on the bright side… your legacy is now secured by being between W and Trump, it’s pretty tough to look bad sandwiched by those 2


Oh, dear! Poor Mike Pence, vice-president and uncircumcised albino penis impersonator, is disappointed that Obama has become political while campaigning for the Dems running in the midterm elections. I am sure Obama has noted your deep concern, O Husband of Mother Pence.

Yes, Obama, a politician, has become political. I really wish Obama would go before the podium and say, “Hey, Mike! Chillax! It’s not like I asked for Donald to show his birth certificate!”


“Step up or things can get worse.”

Sadly, truer words were never spoken, and it might yet get worse even if we do step up. The election cycle of 2016 was the culmination of decades of Republican/Conservative targeting of government for their own nefarious purposes. Even if things begin to improve with the mid-terms, I fear that we will not dig out of this hole for the rest of my lifetime. Still, we must begin somewhere or resign ourselves to infamy.


Pence, let’s get real. Compare 2008 - 2016 with the past two years (seems like ten). All previous eight years were on a constant uphill projection. As a sense of well being the past 18 months have been a “fall off the wall” downward spiral.


“Extremely credible source” and “Donald Trump” go together like “Kim Kardashian” and “Nobel Prize for Physics”.


Susan Sarandon : “Things can get worse only if Hillary is elected”


We must do more than just step up and vote. We must also step up and punch Nazis in the face!
Nazi face-punching for America! Fuck, yeah!

(I am not being sarcastic. I am deadly serious. Those mofos deserve everything they get. My father didn’t serve in WWII to defend the free speech rights of a bunch of goddamned Nazis.)


I was going to have a nice quiet Sunday, but you had to bring up Susan Serendipity, and now I am oh-so full of piss and vinegar! LOL!


Assuming that we survive all of this mess, I do hope that one small advantage will be that all of the nasty little bugs have come out from under their rocks so that we at least have a better idea who and where they are. (Unfortunately, lots of very real pain is being inflicted on very real people to achieve this discovery, so it must not be taken lightly.) The question becomes if this is the beginning of something worse, or the far point of a pendulum swing.


I’m sorry :sunglasses: but she’s the first thing that comes to my mind after each Trump outrage. I guess you could call it the “Nader Effect”




Didn’t you hear, though? Suzie said we’re going to have a Glorious Bernie Revolution if Trump is elected! Let’s ask the opinion of John Edwards - you know, the other politician that Suzie idolized, the one who cheated on his wife while she had cancer.


Sounds like the speech Preident Obama should’ve been making his entire Presidency. Not about The Rump of course, but the fact that we can’t have nice things because there are too many Republicans.


Says Pence: “The truth is, the American people in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of Barack Obama when they elected President Donald Trump.”

Waiting for the order to AG Jeff Sessions to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate this blatant act of treason.


President Obama: Now that’s a President!


Thanks to IQ45’s punitive tax “reform,” every district in California should go blue. That said, there remain a handful of safe GOP seats - McCarthy and Nunes, for example. But come on, rest of USA, we’re shedding the Putin stooge, Rohrabacher, and the arsonist, Issa. You can get rid of your nutjobs too!

Says Pence: “The truth is, the American people in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of Barack Obama when they elected President Donald Trump.”

Oh please. Clinton received 3 million more votes than Dump. I’d hardly call that a rejection. Dump is president now only because of the peculiarities of the Electoral Covfefe College.