Discussion for article #245608
I’m sure the speech will be nice.
The next one to drop out will be Fiorina, followed by Christie and then the big news, Nails.
If Nails doesn’t finish at least in the top three in New Hampshire, suddenly the Big Money Boys will not return his calls.
…As Trump supporters and white nationalists nationwide ask “Which state is that and where is it?” … “If Economy has no Muslims and Mexicans we must build a wall on its border to keep it that way.”
Obama is speaking…
Interesting graph next to him showing the unemployment rate dropping steadily over his term.
I love this guy!
unemployment is at its lowest in 8 yrs!
He should get much more credit than he does for saving the nation from financial meltdown, providing health care to millions who had none before and keeping us out of any more unnecessary wars.
And for saving American auto, which this year had record sales.
Also, this buck fitty gas sure sucks.
Think if a Rethug had unemployment at 4.9%, millions of jobs, doubled stock market, strongest economy in the world, etc. They’d be clamoring for him to be on Rushmore, and the media would be blowing him, kneepads optional.
That would never happen, because republican policies don’t lead to those kinds of successes.
Historically, during Republican administrations they release “the RECESSION BOMB”. THIS INCREASES UNEMPLOYMENT AND MAKES PEOPLE NERVIOUS ABOUT THEIR JOBS, so they don’t push for higher salaries. Keeps middle class wages flat. In the US there have been 20 recessions. 19 under Republicans and 1 under a democratic administration. This cannot be a coinsidence. It is an intentional plan to supress wages.
You mean this guy?
Sorry I can’t help myself. Under those dark suits lurks this body and brain. It’s a beautiful thing.
He just won’t toot his own horn as long as some folks are suffering. Can you imagine any republican not taking credit and giving a shit about anyone else. Me. Neither