Discussion: Obama Takes Down GOPers' Refugee Rhetoric: They're Afraid Of Orphans

Discussion for article #242956


This the saddest example of American Leadership I have seen in a long time. No one has the guts to stand up for the desperate Syrian Refugees who are fleeing for their lives. Instead they pander to the worst of the worst in our society, the xenophobes, and religious bigots, it is truly pathetic


I’ve said this before: I liked first-term President Obama. I love second-term President Obama.
Give 'em hell, Barack!


Japanese Zeros, German Messerschmitts, Russian ICBMs, 3 year old orphans.

    Which one is different?

The GOP should be more fearful and concerned about the ability of terrorists to buy weapons, including sophisticated weapons and ammunition, in this country. I do not hear them calling for more security checks and reviews of security checks on the sales of guns and weapons. . . Hmmmmmmm


When candidates say, we wouldn’t admit three-year-old orphans – that’s political posturing. When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians – proven Christians – should be admitted – that’s offensive and contrary to American values."

So true. Gee, I wonder what our Founding Fathers would have to say about that one?

"I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that’s been coming out of here during the course of this debate.

Folks, I give you today’s GOP.


I took one theme from Hebert’s sprawling epic Dune: “Fear is the mind killer”. The president got it in one. The politics of fear have been the benchmark of far too many on the Republican site for far too long. I recommend that when your friends and acquaintances start in with their concern about the “scary” Syrian refugees, tell them that they shouldn’t let “bed wetters” lead . We are made of sterner stuff.

Obama Takes Down GOPers' Refugee Rhetoric: They're Afraid Of Orphans

and CNBC moderators, and turning gay through marriage equality, and raids to take their guns away, and seatbelts, and vaccines, and fluoridation, and BLM, and evolution, and…


Perhaps The Donald can force the refugees to finance a wall to keep themselves out?


And you never will . This is why they are so dead set against any kind of serial number or tracking of weapons or ammunition , because then we would know exactly how many of those arms are exported into foreign hands friendly or otherwise .
Amerkia favorite arsenal of ISIS? We’ll never know will we .


Cruz… Cruz… Cruz…
Rubio… Rubio… Rubio…
Trump… Trump… Trump…
Buehler… Buehler… Buehler…
Huckabee… Huckabee… Huckabee…
Paul… Paul… Paul…
Carson… Carson…

It’s all the republicans have left. All their other policies have been proven wrong so they have to appeal to the one thing their voters seem like they’ll never let go of.


The Republican Party.



Bunch of fraidy cats. All of them Chicken Hawks. None of them near as brave as the women and children forced into exile from Syria.


I love the photo. It’s just a little extra mockitude.


I don’t know how many are like me,but I have avoided watching the news we are in and overkill on this sad subject,I see that the French are" taking names and kicking asses" . Channel surfing this morning saw of all people Eric Cantor looking like
a Cheshire cat discussing the atrocity in Paris,Eric Cantor ?They are pulling people out of the wood work.


Nor the soldiers they want to send of to foreign wars


I talked to my Conservative sister yesterday about the refugee situation and I’ll tell you this much: She’s irrationally afraid of Syrians because of the attacks in France. I’m sure it’s not the media because she doesn’t watch or listen to the RW media spin, its a baser level of fear that has to be based in how her brain functions. It’s like she’s afraid all of them are radical terrorists at heart even though she knows logically they’re not. She thinks I’m naive and a little crazy because I’m sure the vast majority of Syrian refugees are decent people who need a fresh start.


BTW one of whom the President was talking about:From the home folks.

“I do not trust this administration to effectively vet the people who are supposed to be coming in in order to protect the safety and security of the American people, so I would not permit them in,” the Republican presidential candidate said on conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt’s syndicated radio show. "

It’s not the GOP politicians who are afraid of orphans; it’s the voters they’re pandering to. Those weirdos are afraid of EVERYONE not exactly like them, except for fetuses.